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Ive really started to doubt it too, theres still so many people still waiting. I did hear somewhere on this forum they can take an extension, so they might just as well do that. It made me laugh (angrily though) about that email... "you will hear from us in the next few weeks" - when did 9 weeks start being regarded as a few!
Good luck x
Reply 2
Good luck to you to!
Also, I'm quite disappointed that we've had no further communication from them to say its going to be delayed, instead we've had to ring up or send emails ourselves.
Apparently, if we don't hear back by Friday and they extend the decision making, we get until June to make our choices?
So I suppose our extended decision making time applies to all unis even though the rest of them got back to us in time. That's quite annoying for the other unis and probably puts us at a disadvantage for accommodation. But I suppose extra time is good as I'm not really sure what I want to do and I need to talk to lots of people before I decide!
I'm also doubtful about them getting back to us by Friday. If they don't I think I'm going to quote UCAS booklets/website at them as it really is too long.
Tomorrow they will have had my application for half a year - I know they've had an 11% increase in applications but I would say that's fairly inefficient. Today is also the 10 week anniversary of the 'you'll hear from us within in a few weeks' email. I think they need to look up 'few' in a dictionary!
Having said all that I would still like to go there so I probably shouldn't complain about them too much!
Ok rant over, it's been a good outlet, sorry for anyone reading it!
Reply 4
I think it's in the Ucas book, but if you get a delayed decision (I think after march 31st but before the end of April) then you have until the end of May to make your decision. Either way you have about a month after. As lingolicious said though at other places this does give you the disadvantage on the accomodation side of things unfortunatly. :frown:
Don't they only begin deciding on accomodation on May 21st?
Reply 6
Not for other universities if you have to send off the accomodation form. (Manchester is first come first served basis, and I think it is with some others.)
Im sure someone said a while back we should all bombard the admissions office - im getting to the point where that seems like a good idea :p:. Have all you guys been to open days then? I was planning on going in 2 weeks to one, but it might be a waste money if i end up getting rejected! (i havent been able to afford to visit properly until now :redface:).
Reply 8
Thought I'd let you know that I recieved this a few days ago from one of my unis:

"I am writing to inform you of technical problems currently being
experienced by UCAS that are affecting the sending of decisions to
applicants at a number of universities. As a consequence of these
problems at UCAS, there may be a delay in you receiving formal
confirmation of a decision."

This could explain some of the delays but I haven't heard anything from UCAS about it though.
Reply 9
That was the track problems I think that was a few days ago. The track server was down for the best part of a day.
Reply 10
Can u guys tell me what's the deadline for us students to make our final decision regarding the unis?
Reply 11
Can u guys tell me what's the deadline for us students to make our final decision regarding the unis?

Deadline for universities to reply to applications: 09MAY2006
Deadline for applicants to reply to offers IF all decisions were made by 31MAR2006: 05MAY2006
Deadline for applicants to reply to offers IF there exists outstanding decisions after 31MAR2006: 06JUN2006
Reply 12
The accommodation decisions begin in June. I'm sorry you guys haven't heard sooner from them, I thought waiting till Feb was bad!
Ne hoo good luck for all you guys who are still waiting!
Yeah so much for the 31st March deadline. 6th April and I'm still waiting! Am I the only one?!
Reply 14
Yeah so much for the 31st March deadline. 6th April and I'm still waiting! Am I the only one?!

Have you emailed them? If I were you I would cos the April is a long time to wait...
I was just debating that. Thing is I emailed in March and got the standard 'still working on it' reply. So they obviously have my application and are getting round to it so I don't know what else to ask really. I'd rather they replied to applications instead of emails but then again I do want to remind them they're taking a hell of a long time!
Reply 16
I was just debating that. Thing is I emailed in March and got the standard 'still working on it' reply. So they obviously have my application and are getting round to it so I don't know what else to ask really. I'd rather they replied to applications instead of emails but then again I do want to remind them they're taking a hell of a long time!

Definitely ring them or email them, they should have really sent an email out to you to say there are going to be further delays!
I'm guessing you know that your deadline for making decisions is extended now? I think you get until the 6th June, but hopefully that offer will come through soon so you can sort out your accomodation.

Best of luck!
Thanks! I did know about the extended decision making time which is good as I'm having some doubts and need to talk to various people! I think I might email them but I don't want to sound like I'm harassing them as it's only a few weeks since my last email. And I'm defining 'a few weeks' as about 2 which is clearly not what their definition is!
Reply 18
I'm defining 'a few weeks' as about 2 which is clearly not what their definition is!

Lol. It's your uni application and you've probably been waiting since october/november. They've had since January to make a decision, even with an increase in applications April is still a long time to wait for a decision. I'd email them...

...Or hurl stones at the admission tutors window :p:
Yep I was considering that one. I´m going up for the open day on the 19th so if I haven´t heard by then I may storm the admissions office and demand they reply!