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Anger Management...?

The last year has been a really bad time for me. I've had people I trusted f**k me over and i've had my kid taken away from me and given to his dad by social services because of something that wasn't even my fault and could have happened to anyone. I feel victimised, depress, upset, but most of all ANGRY. I mean really angry. Despite this I have managed to find a decent guy, who was firstly a friend and someone that was there for me. And we are happy but I still feel angry about everything that has happened and the lack of justice in the world. I talk to him about stuff and he's helpful, but say I just need to let it all go... but how do I? If I stay angry ultimately it will ruin our relationship because I feel very vengeful. Also I am planning to go to University in September, I have an offer. I realise this is the only way I will be able to get my son back and make my life better overall. But I am afraid that I will fail in my relationship and Uni due to all of this emotional baggae. Please help, anyone if you have any suggestions...
Seriously, I would get a punchbag. If I'm turbo-pi**ed at someone/something then I find giving my punchbag a good battering relieves the aggression. Although it souns like your anger runs a little deeper.

Are they're any options for getting your kid back? Can you appeal?
Reply 2
Seriously, I would get a punchbag. If I'm turbo-pi**ed at someone/something then I find giving my punchbag a good battering relieves the aggression. Although it souns like your anger runs a little deeper.

Are they're any options for getting your kid back? Can you appeal?

I can appeal near the end of the year but in reality not much will change as his dad is in a lot better position financially than me. He works as some sort of assistant manager (a job is mum got him) and he lives at home with his parents and they earn a fair bit between the two of them. I wouldn't have such a problem with him being with his dad if the family were fair. But they are trying to cut me out of my son's life. Im only allowed to see him once a week and call him on the phone twice a week. And they live far away. I thought about moving closer, but when asked in court if they would allow me any extra contact time they refused, so that would be pointless, and I would be alone in a new area.
I can appeal near the end of the year but in reality not much will change as his dad is in a lot better position financially than me. He works as some sort of assistant manager (a job is mum got him) and he lives at home with his parents and they earn a fair bit between the two of them. I wouldn't have such a problem with him being with his dad if the family were fair. But they are trying to cut me out of my son's life. Im only allowed to see him once a week and call him on the phone twice a week. And they live far away. I thought about moving closer, but when asked in court if they would allow me any extra contact time they refused, so that would be pointless, and I would be alone in a new area.

As long as your son get bought in a stable environment thats whats important, but trying to cut you out is wrong and it could affect the kid. Dont they realise this is wrong? When my parents got divorced I was living with my mum and we stayed at my grandmothers for a while, but my mother never stopped me seeing my dad at any point. Have you tried talking to your ex without his parents about?
Reply 4
How old is your child? How long did he live with you before he was taken away?

I don't mean to be judgemental but the courts must have had a good reason to do what they did as the last thing they want to do is split up families. But what has happend has happend, its time to build bridges.

Don't worry about his financial status, a good mum will be better than any pay cheque.

As for you anger, if it is truly as bad as you say then either a) get some counselling (this will help in court as you have identified a problem and are seeking help with it) or b) focus on your child, keep telling yourself that things will get better and if you really want it you can get it.

I hope I've helped.
Reply 5
As long as your son get bought in a stable environment thats whats important, but trying to cut you out is wrong and it could affect the kid. Dont they realise this is wrong? When my parents got divorced I was living with my mum and we stayed at my grandmothers for a while, but my mother never stopped me seeing my dad at any point. Have you tried talking to your ex without his parents about?

When I try and get to this issue, all they say is they don't want to tread on the toes of social services (yet every restriction applied to me has been on their request!). It's really unreasonable as when my son was with me, I never stopped them having access to him. Another thing that annoys me is the fact they never used to call and see how my son was, and now they are playing the concerned family. To be fair, it's the grandmother that wants my son, not his dad (not saying his dad doesnt love him), but the grandmother has been obsessed with my son ever since he was born.
Reply 6
How old is your child? How long did he live with you before he was taken away?

I don't mean to be judgemental but the courts must have had a good reason to do what they did as the last thing they want to do is split up families. But what has happend has happend, its time to build bridges.

Don't worry about his financial status, a good mum will be better than any pay cheque.

As for you anger, if it is truly as bad as you say then either a) get some counselling (this will help in court as you have identified a problem and are seeking help with it) or b) focus on your child, keep telling yourself that things will get better and if you really want it you can get it.

I hope I've helped.

Hi thanks for the advice so far. My son is two now, and he got taken from me just under a year ago. He lived with me most of the time except for a couple of months when I had really bad postnatal depression. He stayed with my mother suring that period, but I saw him on a regular basis. I think this is what went against me, people seem to think that if you have suffered from postnatal depression you are a raving maniac that will harm your child or something. I suppose another issue is that the grandmother works for social services and she knows how it all works, as well as being pretty important and respected in the department.

From the outset the whole thing was biased and set against me, and it wasn't even covered up. I think if I had been treated fairly during the decison making and assesment etc then I would be able to come to terms with this. I am in the process of reviewing my case and keeping notes of how I am still being treated to take it higher and to the race relations commission (i'm black). Whether it be through ignorance or just racism things were assessed about me in a negative way which are part of my culture. Like I was made out to be an eccentric and unrealistic, because I requested that my son come to contact with me in clean well presented clothes with his hair done properly. And that I cleaned up after him a lot. What exactly is the problem with that. I wasn't stopping him from playing at all, or not interacting with him. I just dont like children to be messy, but it was twisted well out of proportion.

Calls were made from the grandmother to social services asking for my contact to be cut short, the grandmother told social services she didnt want my mother or any of my brothers and sisters coming to see my son. She said she wanted my contact supervised because I'd run off with my son and all sorts.

I've tried cancelling for a few months, since november infact and it's not helping, after i've finished talking to the woman she looks more didtressed and upset than me! I am trying to focus on my son and making everything better my bf helps a lot as he is very understanding, but i dont think it's fair that i bother him with my problems all the time as he has problems of his own. It all feels so hopeless :frown:
Reply 7
Well one things is certain and that your ex's mother should in no way influence the procedure outside of the courts. Also I am aware that when social services get involved they do tend to stick to you like glue.

Whats wrong with not wanting a child messy, nothing. However, if this was made into a big deal and the child wasn't filthy dirty then it could be turned against you as like you said to be 'eccentric'.

You also need to be clear about how you feel, is it anger (as in wanting revenge, hurting somebody etc) or frustration?

Also i like to believe that people are not influenced by the colour of a person's skin, but in reality i think we all know this does happen, sadly.

You need to focus on the future now, sure some bad things have happened but it will not help you or your son if you keep this attitude.

I know this may seem like a cop out but instead of fighting the system accept it, accept that they took your child away to protect it from potential harm (i am not judging you and post natal depression is an illness that you can not control), accept that for the time being you have to live by your ex's family rules.

Hmm hope that helps.
Reply 8
By the way I have a 3yr old son and I have had to go through solicitors for certain things and currently still am.
Reply 9
Well one things is certain and that your ex's mother should in no way influence the procedure outside of the courts. Also I am aware that when social services get involved they do tend to stick to you like glue.

Whats wrong with not wanting a child messy, nothing. However, if this was made into a big deal and the child wasn't filthy dirty then it could be turned against you as like you said to be 'eccentric'.

You also need to be clear about how you feel, is it anger (as in wanting revenge, hurting somebody etc) or frustration?

Also i like to believe that people are not influenced by the colour of a person's skin, but in reality i think we all know this does happen, sadly.

You need to focus on the future now, sure some bad things have happened but it will not help you or your son if you keep this attitude.

I know this may seem like a cop out but instead of fighting the system accept it, accept that they took your child away to protect it from potential harm (i am not judging you and post natal depression is an illness that you can not control), accept that for the time being you have to live by your ex's family rules.

Hmm hope that helps.

Hi thanks you've been very helpful so far. I both angry and fraustrated. More fraustarated than angry though. I am trying to work with the system, but everything I do is turned against me. I'm afraid to even miss a contact with my son when i'm feeling like death because they will say i'm not reliable and consistant. At the moment I cant even afford to travel to see him, if it wasn't for my mum i wouldnt see him hardly at all. His dads family have loads of money and go on about its so important for my son to see me but wont even off to help or make life easier with better arrangements :frown:. I know I can't do anything but roll with this for the time being but if no court order is made next time I go to court I'll have to kiss goodbye to having any decent conact with my son.
Reply 10
By the way I have a 3yr old son and I have had to go through solicitors for certain things and currently still am.

The law just makes everything so complicated and difficult. I hope you get to see him though