The Student Room Group


I'm feeling pretty low at the moment. I was rejected by a couple of top unis and although I know there were better candidates being the type of person who has never failed at anything (important anyway), it has been a reallyl hard blow to take as well as the inevitable parental disappointment, and uni discussions which go 'why are you going there you are so much better than that' really get me down, because I feel like I have let myself down. College seems pretty pointless, when with minimal revision I still seem to scrape A's in various mocks. I have been feeling like this for several months and it's really getting me down, I'm feeling pretty sad and angry. My self-confidence has taken a knock, and I guess I need to get back up again.

Thanks for reading this post, I just needed to write this stuff down somewhere.

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Sorry to sound harsh but you sound so arrogant, with minimal revision i can get A's. Who cares? If you couldn't be arsed with your mocks have you thought that your application might have seemed the same way. to be honest the amount of people getting 3 or 4 high A's in Alevel is quite high, so you haveto make yourself stand out, perhaps you're just medicore. Get a grip and stop whining.
Reply 2
Heya thanks for that, It was probably what I needed to hear! I am an arrorgant little so and so and I think that is part of the problem.
Reply 3
Bit harsh by anon2 isnt it?
I think everyone has to face the fact you might not be as strong academically as you hoped (or didnt come across on paper), I've had the same - thought i wouldve gotten into some more respected Unis but in reality i didnt... end of the day im happy to know ill still be going to a well respected Uni to do a course i want to do - and the first step is to get the grades this summer..
chin up, its only for a few more months... i cant motivate myself too much either so cant give much useful advice :frown:
do something to break up your disappointment perhaps?

but I agree with the above post...there are people who don't even get accepted at uni and would be happy with C's let alone 'minimal A's'
Reply 5
I'm feeling pretty low at the moment. I was rejected by a couple of top unis and although I know there were better candidates being the type of person who has never failed at anything (important anyway), it has been a reallyl hard blow to take as well as the inevitable parental disappointment, and uni discussions which go 'why are you going there you are so much better than that' really get me down, because I feel like I have let myself down. College seems pretty pointless, when with minimal revision I still seem to scrape A's in various mocks. I have been feeling like this for several months and it's really getting me down, I'm feeling pretty sad and angry. My self-confidence has taken a knock, and I guess I need to get back up again.

Thanks for reading this post, I just needed to write this stuff down somewhere.

ha ha ha :laugh: sucks to be you!
Reply 6
College seems pretty pointless, when with minimal revision I still seem to scrape A's in various mocks. I have been feeling like this for several months and it's really getting me down, I'm feeling pretty sad and angry. My self-confidence has taken a knock, and I guess I need to get back up again.


Be so so greatful! You dont know how some of us suffer with this :frown:

I am sorry you were rejected, did you apply to a competitive course? it seems like your a great candidate but unfortunatly the uni application process involves some luck as well as merit. If your completely unhappy with you choices maybe look at Ucas Extra?
Good luck:smile:
Reply 7
whats with all the anonymous?!

mmm.. yes. just a quick point there..
Reply 8
They just dont want all the hate + neg repping because theyre not being constructive ¬_¬
Just remember dont get complacement.. all it takes is 1 mark off not to make your grade and then you've got even more troubles :p:
I know i sounded harsh, but sometimes people need to realise the truth. It's not always easy relaising you're the cleverest in 6th form college and then compared to some people you're like 2 short planks. Why don't you get all you're mates together and have a fun night doing whatever you like, it will cheer you up. You are lucky that you even have a chance of an education, it's not the end of the world, i mean you can always reapply and stuff.
Reply 10
I am very ungrateful, and I did apply for a competitive course, I think the realisation that in the 'real world' you are pretty insignificant compared to everyone else is hard to take for some people (some more than others!). And I am grateful for my A's-trust me I have worked bloody hard up to this point, which is allowing me some coasting space at the moment. But I take all your points. I am being overdramatic and untactful, for which I apologise sincerely.
Reply 11
You should take this experiance and realise - those others who got offers above you might not all be 'smarter' as such, but more hardworking.
If you have a competitive nature it might be enough to motivate you to try harder :smile:
Reply 12
chin up!

my mates got AAAAB last year for four highers and one advanced higher. the adv was crash and they still got an A! They are so amazingly intelligent but they have still been rejected from several universities. It happens to the best of us.

Depression is a horrid thing, it affects so many teenagers, lasting various lengths of time. There are several ways in which you can try to improve your mood;

1. Think positive thoughts. Look at what you have achieved and not at what you did not.

2. Try telling your parents how you feel. You may be surprised with how understanding they are. If they know how disappointed you are and how much their disappointment hurts then they may back off and show you some support.

3. You are not the only person this has happened to. Some people have been rejected from all six choices, think how they feel. You really need to pick yourself up and get on with it. I know it sounds hard but you will receive so many knock backs in life, you really need to deal with this.

4. I am also thinking that these feelings are not solely due to your rejections. So, a good way to deal with this would be to write down all the things that upset you. Look at them and think of ways by which you can fix each of these things. Once you are finished, rip the list up (sort of like a ripping it up to say you can't beat me, type of thing)

Just try to stay positive. Do something each day that makes you happy and don't take for granted all the things taht you have achieved.

Good luck
The reason i was harsh was because i was the same as you last year. When i applied my AS grade were nothing under 275/300 and i thought i was unbeatable, in hindsight i was an arrogant ******. Just chin up things will get better, don't beat yourself up about it, i mean what can you do now?
Reply 14
Anon 2, sometimes people are harsh, but for a good reason, if you and I weren't anon I would pos rep you! (Seriously). I have just been a spoilt arrogant petulant child during the past few months, and I should realise that life isn't always going to treat me nicely. Oh and hello its me, thanks for your advice about being glad I haven't been rejected from all six choices. I do know somebody who has been rejected for medicine from all four choices. I'm just going forget about this week workwise, have a proper holiday over Easter, and then buckle down to some work. Thanks everyone.
Anon 1 don't apologise, because last year if id have been on this site i would have prob made a very similar post. Everyone has the right to be unhappy that they didn't get a place in to somewhere they wanted to go. But hey i believe in fate and it might be best that you didnt get in to whatever uni you got rejected from. It's really not the end of the world, just dont let it get you down, because then you'll become complacent and then could lead you into not getting the grades you need. *hug*
Reply 16
Anon 2, sometimes people are harsh, but for a good reason, if you and I weren't anon I would pos rep you! (Seriously). I have just been a spoilt arrogant petulant child during the past few months, and I should realise that life isn't always going to treat me nicely. Oh and hello its me, thanks for your advice about being glad I haven't been rejected from all six choices. I do know somebody who has been rejected for medicine from all four choices. I'm just going forget about this week workwise, have a proper holiday over Easter, and then buckle down to some work. Thanks everyone.

ok calm down and quit the sarcasm you are only helping the claim of being a spoilt arrogant petulant child by talking like that the fact is that people have a lot more to deal with than you and you should be happy yes you may have got rejections but then a lot of people do so get over your self and be HAPPY for jebus mices sake
Reply 17
Heya, I don't do sarcasm when people can't see my face because it's not fair, sarcasm only works with the tone and the face! That last post really was not sarcastic. And I probably should get over myself. And that is not a sarcastic assessment by the way.
Reply 18
Heya, I don't do sarcasm when people can't see my face because it's not fair, sarcasm only works with the tone and the face! That last post really was not sarcastic. And I probably should get over myself. And that is not a sarcastic assessment by the way.

no people can be sarcastic withoput seeing faces my friends in new zealand can tell i am being sarcastic
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: smile
Reply 19
But people I have never met on forums might not get an individual's sense of humour. Especially when I am posting as anon!