The statistics regarding suicide come from years ago. Unfortunately each year there is going to be a University with a the highest rate for suicide. Just like there will be the university with the lowest employment rate. When you come do Lancaster you will see all the things that have been done to reduce the suicide rate... We have a fantastic nightline, a 24 hour nurses station, a wonderful counselling service, many of our tutors and lecturers are trained to help individuals who are finding it tough. There's a college tutorial system in place, first year tutorial systems, and a mentor system in place. Plenty of adverts and lots of notices are up around the place to show people what to do if you are starting to struggle. Most importantlly, the majority of the people who work and live within the university always have an open door, a shoulder to cry on and sound advice to offer.
Sorry, copied from another post I wrote a bit ago, but it still stands true.