Ok, this is going to be dubious for H&R... but I hope it stays because I would love to stay anonymous (people I know read TSR) and also because it's to do with a relationship!
Right, there's this girl I like - I'm really quite into her. She doesn't know I like her, but we're friends from Uni. I saw her briefly at the start of the holiday, but she lives quite far away. Anyway, when I saw her (and previously) there have been "moments" between us - in terms of looks, flirtation etc. Nothing concrete, she's not the most open of people about feelings etc and I suppose there's a pretty good chance she doesn't feel the same way.
Anyway, I want to write a really good text to get a bit of chat going. Now I know this sounds vaguely pathetic, but I need inspiration. So yeah, ideas please! Nothing mundane "how are the holidays?" etc - something witty, flirty, charming etc.
If I send your text (or something modelled on your text) I'll rep you (and it's worth a fair bit).