The Student Room Group

Text Message

Ok, this is going to be dubious for H&R... but I hope it stays because I would love to stay anonymous (people I know read TSR) and also because it's to do with a relationship!

Right, there's this girl I like - I'm really quite into her. She doesn't know I like her, but we're friends from Uni. I saw her briefly at the start of the holiday, but she lives quite far away. Anyway, when I saw her (and previously) there have been "moments" between us - in terms of looks, flirtation etc. Nothing concrete, she's not the most open of people about feelings etc and I suppose there's a pretty good chance she doesn't feel the same way.

Anyway, I want to write a really good text to get a bit of chat going. Now I know this sounds vaguely pathetic, but I need inspiration. So yeah, ideas please! Nothing mundane "how are the holidays?" etc - something witty, flirty, charming etc.

If I send your text (or something modelled on your text) I'll rep you (and it's worth a fair bit).
Reply 1
so u want something witty, flirty, charming etc but something that is friendly and not so obvious that she'll figure out that your 'really quite into her'?
'fancy a **** sometime?'
Reply 3
so u want something witty, flirty, charming etc but something that is friendly and not so obvious that she'll figure out that your 'really quite into her'?

It can hint at it. Just not too obviously.
Reply 4
Hey, didnt get chance to ask you what you were up to over the hols when I last saw you. I might be popping down/up/across to *insert city*, was wondering if you wouldnt mind showing me around, we could go for a coffee.
Reply 5
Hey, didnt get chance to ask you what you were up to over the hols when I last saw you. I might be popping down/up/across to *insert city*, was wondering if you wouldnt mind showing me around, we could go for a coffee.

Best so far. But I've already been to where she lives (she invited me before the end of Uni). Could maybe use the first bit!
Reply 6
Best so far. But I've already been to where she lives (she invited me before the end of Uni). Could maybe use the first bit!

Find some sort of excuse to get to the nearest city to her, then just say that you will be in the city in a few weeks, and wondered if she wanted to grab a coffee. It'd be a nice break for her if she is busy with uni work, and you get some time with her away from uni.

That way, you are associating free time and fun (hopefully) with you, and it will help her subconscious direct her conscious towards a decision regarding your relationship as friends and to whether it would be going any further.
Reply 7
Hey [name] how are you? Just texting to see if you fancied a catch-up coffee/meal anytime soon as I'm in the area, [your name]x
Reply 8
"Hi, just checking if my phone's working.

Text back if so."

EDIT: You may also want to add "and tell me how you've been", etc.

(I have actually used this one in conversation.)
Reply 9
2 5 +
"Hi, just checking if my phone's working.

Text back if so."

EDIT: You may also want to add "and tell me how you've been", etc.

(I have actually used this one in conversation.)

I like it:biggrin:

I wouldn't text back though:rolleyes:
Reply 10
2 5 +
"Hi, just checking if my phone's working.

Text back if so."

EDIT: You may also want to add "and tell me how you've been", etc.

(I have actually used this one in conversation.)

No wonder the girls are surrounding you :p:
Reply 11
No wonder the girls are surrounding you :p:

It honestly works rather well on the phone.

"Hi, is that [name]? I was just calling... er, to check my phone was working. I suppose that now I know it is. But how about we talk anyway?"
Reply 12
2 5 +
It honestly works rather well on the phone.

"Hi, is that [name]? I was just calling... er, to check my phone was working. I suppose that now I know it is. But how about we talk anyway?"

Lol, I bet it does.

Ah well, I dont seem to be having a problems :smile: