The Student Room Group

When Do I call?!

I met a really nice guy at work yesterday, we had a short conversation and he had to leave, but he left me with his number...I don't know what to do with i call? do i wait? and if so how long? are girls supposed to call a guy? haha, i sound so elementry but i've never gotten a number, only given...he mentioned his birthday was coming up this week, would it be a cute idea to call and wish him a happy birthday?

any suggestions would be appreciated :smile:
Reply 1
call him up right this instance and tell him you want his babies. It works every time, I swear.
Reply 2
Well he wouldn't have given u his number if he didnt like u at all. If he doesn't have ur number then u can call him without feeling like u should wait for him to call u. Saying happy birthday sounds like a gd opportunity to call cos thats the sorta thing u would do with mates as well. Hopefully if hes doing something for his birthday he might ask u along. If not u could be brave & offer 2 buy him a drink or something.
text him instead!