Yeah, I don't see why not, mate.
First things first, well done on losing what you have to date. High five!
Keep your goals in the forefront of your mind. Imagine how great you'll feel when you reach your target weight; how much lighter you'll feel, how much more energy you'll have, how good you'll feel about your appearence, how proud your family and friends will be of you for turning things around.
Healthy, balanced diet. Eat a variety of foods so you don't get bored. Have small, occasional (ie weekly?) treats so you don't get cravings and end up binging.
Get adequate sleep.
Drink plenty of water.
Drink a rotation of herbal teas: green (metabolism/antioxidants), nettle (diuretic, supports metabolism) dandelion (ditto nettle)
Exercise for an hour or more daily (ie run or swim.) Toning or weights, too (dunno what specifically, ask Bis or one of the other guys in the know)
Be more active in your daily life; run errands for people, walk everywhere, walk on the spot whilst you do the washing up. Clench your ass repeatedly when you're sitting down studying...hehe, buns of steel will soon be yours! (It works for me, makes it nice and lifted)
Keep positive. You can do this! You've already proved that with your weight loss to date. Don't be disheartened when/ if your weightloss slows down or reaches a plateau; this is normal. You will just have to exercise more in this case rather than cut your calories further. Aim for 1-2lbs a week, obviously the more you have to lose the more you will lose, which is why it'll slow the lighter you become. Persevere regardless.
Good luck! keep up the good work and keep us posted.