The Student Room Group

Painful breathing/ lump on chest.

Heya! Yesterday, I found it painful to breathe, especially if I was moving quickly, like when I tried to walk faster. I ignored it (I know, i'm stupid, but i was at college and have experienced it before *double stupid*) And i though i'd slept in a really awkward position or something. This morning, I woke up and it was the same, though it's not like so incredibly painful, it's like someone pushing down on my chest. But in my free I noticed that there is now a lump on my chest. It's quite big, not as in like height but the area it covers is and it's painful to touch.
Has anybody else experienced anything similar to this and know what it may be? I'll deffo be going to the docs first thing tomorrow, but until then I am kinda worried.
Reply 1
Is it red or itchy as well?
Reply 2
It sounds a lot like a slight pulmonary embolism but I'm sure there's a lot of other things it could be. I doubt you could get something like that when you're young without having being involved in a serious accident, though.
Probs "just" an infection or something.
Doc'll sort you out.
Reply 4
Is it red or itchy as well?


Bombalistic I hope so!

A lump wouldn't be associated with a PE really (unless it was a vein close to the surface being blocked) but it still needs to be checked out!

Reply 6
Perhaps its an Abscess or a boil.