The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
warwick im hoping, but i could just be delusional :frown:
Reply 2
I thought Durham was sexy. :p:
Reply 3
Cambridge :toofunny:
Reply 4
York's sexy! Errr maybe Sheffield for the social scene cause it's Student Union was voted the best in 2004-5!?
The men at Durham are generally very nice :biggrin: The naked calendar(s) arent too bad either!
Reply 6
Nottingham. Generally, the girls are fit and the guys are average so I win on both counts.
Reply 7
why did i get neg rep for this thread?? :frown:
Reply 8
uni of the arts, london.
uni of the arts, london.

Bristol (for a uni, or a drama school - like Rada)

As for your neg rep, well, some people are right snobs...
Reply 10
imperial of course :lollypop: because its my firm :biggrin: !!
Reply 11
Oxford has nice girls but nicer guys and a lot of them too :p: . Outside the dreamy spires, Sheffield seemed to be quite good when I visited.
Reply 12
Haha, everyones gonna say where they are/where they're going/have been.

Its Oxford Brookes. Or Kent. :biggrin:
You do realise that everyone who goes to Imperial is celibate, right? :wink: :p:

Anyway, President Ben was right. Bristol's the sexiest uni. :biggrin:
Reply 14
York!!he he
Reply 15
Apricot Fairy
Bristol's the sexiest uni. :biggrin:

No no nooooo. Oxford Brookes is. I'll be there! :wink:
Reply 16
No no nooooo. Oxford Brookes is. I'll be there! :wink:

Want to join forces and go for Oxford in general :p: ? Oxford for the guys, Brookes for the girls :wink: .
Reply 17
Want to join forces and go for Oxford in general :p: ? Oxford for the guys, Brookes for the girls :wink: .

Whyyyy not. And wheres my PM Mr? :rolleyes:
When I visited Exeter there were loads of fit lads - but I suppose it depends on your tastes - these were typical blonde middle class guys :p:
Reply 19
Oxford for the guys, Brookes for the girls :wink: .

your sample is clearly limited.. :p:
edit - what Bubble Fairy says definitely makes sense.

having a penchant for rowers/rugby players/intelligent & eligible men with diamond buying potential/ex-public schoolboys, the density in Oxford works quite well for me! :love: