The Student Room Group

Mates or More Part 2

I'm really confused. Me & this guy have been friends for a few months now we're in the same college and we seem to get along really well together and i really enjoy being with him. But nowadays we usually hold hands or hug and we went to the park and stuff together. Do "friends" hold hands and hug? He even held my hand next to his mates.. and he also playfights me and does all these things that annoy me but in a good way The other day he wanted to go somewhere alone with me because we were talking and his mates came. He isn't making much of a move apart from what i've mentioned and i don't know what to do!! Please help!

Ok today i asked him to come down and meet me in front of colege.. and he did. i was going to ask whether he liked me as just mates or more. Anyway he comes.. and he's like whats it about? and i just started going on about other things. once or twice he held my hand. and then he was like tell me.. what is it? i sed cant u guess? he sed no i cant. i sed u can! he sed i want u to tell me. neway yeah i kept him for bout 30 mins and i hadnt got far and he sed that he has a lesson a few times and that he had to go. i sed no dont go . he sed he cant bunk his lesson cos hes bunked already. he also said that hes got his priorities sorted but right now he has to go. and then i said if u go i wont talk 2 u again. i also said that why did i even bother comin here and callin u. and then he went. i sed bye. and now he wont come on msn when he always does! arghhhhh! :frown: im gona see him 2moro in colege he cant run.. please help me someone whats goin on?!?
Well you chickened out of telling him. And did what girls often do - expect guys to know what you're thinking without saying anything.

I think you were pretty harsh, you owe him an apology, why should he bunk a lesson when you won't talk?

Btw he clearly likes you so just go for it.
your unofficialy going out by the sounds of things. if u dont want to ask him about it try kissing him insted :wink:
Reply 3
he wont come on msn tho whys he runnin away from mee :frown:
Reply 4
btw hes a yr younger than me lol
Reply 5
oh i just realised he comes online whenever i appear offline.. LOOOOOL. so he's running away from me. WHY!??!
he wont come on msn tho whys he running away from mee :frown:

He ain't running away from you, you've scared hi off and I don't blame him after the way you treated him today. Any decent person won't g running after someone who gives then such an ultimatum as you gave today.

You're going to have to wait sometime now for things to settle before you can really approach him again about all this. So just wait and be patient. You made an error here, so don't go blaming him. You'll be able to speak to him again (and see him online) when he is good and ready now, not before.

Sorry if you don't like what I've said, but it's how I see it now :smile:
cos you chickened out of telling him maybe? and you sound like you were pretty rude to him too! why don't you call him or go round to his house to talk about it?
Reply 8
he's online now and this is what he said: ah sorry about today I DID have to go and I wouldnt wnana hurt I didnt purposefully want to do anything negative. seriously. and I swear to GOD I aint running away from you im jus busy if I wanted to run theres other ways to be doin that.
Reply 9
i said if u go i wont talk 2 u again. i also said that why did i even bother comin here and callin u. and then he went. i sed bye. and now he wont come on msn when he always does! arghhhhh! :frown: im gona see him 2moro in colege he cant run.. please help me someone whats goin on?!?

Oh dear, how old are you? seriously thats was a very immature thing to do, anyway hope you sort it out