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Reply 1
why not, it's only blue peter after all! £100 would be nice, i wish i had one to sell!

LOL ! i read about this in the paper only two days ago i think. although it is wrong to do so maybe you should sell it for 100 pounds thats quite alot of money for a badge, then again some places have started banning the use of the badge so dunno if people will still wanna buy it
Meh, I couldn't care less, unless you're planning on giving me any of that money. :wink: If you could use the money, then sell it - it's just a phase that eBay seems to be going through, so I'd sell it now while they are still popular, and see how much I could get for it. :smile:
Reply 4
Its Not Right :mad::mad::mad:
A few people have said this! Don't know why though.
Reply 6
Haha, I was actually being a little ironic. It's your badge, do what you want. It does seem a little unfair that people are selling bucketloads of the things though; it kind of devalues it (we all know kids really want one of those things and work hard for them), and it isn't really fair on the institutions that have to provide free entry.
Reply 7
Selling it is the last thing you should ever do. A Blue Peter badge is one of the only good things left in the world and can be used as a shield for hamster if you happen to find a small rodent war and you befriend a hamster who has no shield.
Reply 8
Good point.
Reply 9
sell! sell! sell!
Who the blazes is silly enough to pay £100 on eBay for a badge when all they have to do is draw a picture (ok, paper may cost a few pence, and drawing materials) send that off and they'll give you one... for free!!! :eek:

My dad's friend (an artist) has won THREE Blue Peter badges, one for himself as a kid, and one for each of his two children by drawing pics and sending them in!
Reply 11
Selling it is the last thing you should ever do. A Blue Peter badge is one of the only good things left in the world and can be used as a shield for hamster if you happen to find a small rodent war and you befriend a hamster who has no shield.

I completely agree. A Blue Peter badge is a symbol of childhood innocence and well-earned respect. Selling one is akin to going into the playground and going up to the kid who earned her badge by taking a week to draw a really good picture of her family and saying, "Look, I've got a badge too, which means your badge, and your hard work, and your mum aren't worth squat", and making her cry.

Is that what you want to do?

Reply 12
by selling it, you are just making the Blue Peter badge worthless. it's already started, and it looks like it's picking up speed. also, you are giving away part of your 'childhood'.. i'm not sure how you managed to get your hands on a badge, but i'm sure you did it in a good, worthy manner.
despite people thinking it is 'morally wrong' to sell these badges, i would personally sell it now, rather than later. if it is of no sentimental value to you, then i'm sure the £100 or so would come in handy. also, you are obviously no longer a child and therefore have no need to keep it to get into attractions for free.
i'd say sell it. to be honest, you aren't doing anything wrong by saying you don't want it; it's the people who are buying it without doing a blue peter worthy act of unselfishness who are in the wrong.

my views anyway :smile:

plus, try selling it in, well, a few weeks even, and you might not sell it at all. go get yours.
E-bay are withdrawing all blue-peter badge sales from e-bay, and in some cases handing out warnings.
Reply 14
Reply 16

OMFG! what the hell are you doing?

That was given to you and symbolises stuff cant be arsed writing stuff lost interest....just aughh u should be doing that
:toofunny: that isnt me! :toofunny:
oh no! what will you tell your kids? 'sorry darlings, i needed the money' well i suppose how much you need it (if you actually need or just want it!)
i mean there are plenty of people hankering after one but i think you should keep it as a memento of whatever it was that you won it for!
Reply 19
:toofunny: that isnt me! :toofunny:

Well whoever it is, just OMFG!