The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hmmmm... saggy knees. First time I have heard of it.
Demi Moore:
had bad breast implants taken out, also had calf implants taken out which left her with saggy knees (hence, the knee lift rumors)
Hmm, now I have haerd about it... Very interesting.
My bet is going for some sort of cream.
saggy knees...
Reply 2
dont get me wrong, its not excessively saggy or anything, jus a bit less toned than the rest of my body, its probably not even *that* noticeable, jus that i know its there and im quite conscious of it.
Doesn't everyone have that? I think every normal person has looser skin around the knees that bulges a litte.. it is to allow you to bend your leg after all - tis only ultra-thin-a-gust-of-wind-could-snap-me celebs that have nowt there