The Student Room Group

Boredom driving me insane

Im on a gap year at the minute, one I was never meant to be on because I dropped out of uni last November. Im going back in September.

I work full time and absolutely hate my job. Then I come home and have NOTHING to do. I try watch dvds, read books, go for walks etc but it all leaves me feeling so empty.

I dont have many friends here (at all :frown: ) and it seems ALL I do is come home and sit at my computer on msn (tho rarely have conversations with people I know in real life) and browse the internet for hours.

I really wish I could get a hobby but my town has NOTHING liek night classes, or martial arts etc cos its very small and poor. We dont even have a swimming pool.

I just dont know what to do
Reply 1
Join the gym. It passed the time for me well enough after I dropped out. Though it did take me till April to actually realise how bored I was.
Reply 2
Why did you drop out of uni??
Reply 3
im jeallous of u "worried mess" lol. Your lucky. Join drama course, language cooking whatever. start a business. Get a job. The world is at ur feat my older child, time to start dancing.

And akhoza- 'The Pakistanis are straightforward and sometimes extremely stupid. The Indians are more devious, sometimes so smart that we fall for their line.' Richard Nixon

What the **** is that sopposed to mean. I think its stupid when someone gets a quote of nixon that generalises people and puts them into a box. Coz the person who said that cant be all that smart
the world is your oyster, decide what u want to do and do it! x
Reply 5
I know where you are coming from - I'm on an unplanned year out too. It seems like everyone else is out there having a great time at uni. Remember - it's only 6 months til september. Is there nothing you like about your job - no colleagues you get on with or anything?
I would suggest you try and make a special effort to see your friends, they might lift your mood.
Maybe even do something new in your spare time (like learn an instrument, learn to cook, take up some kind of sport, anything you feel like!)
Do a sport.. and become a professional, so you won't need to go to university. Come on, a year! I expect you to be a pro in something by then.
learn a language!!
how fulfilling!

if i myself was in your position, i'd make it a target to learn a new language.. whichever it may be.

or maybe languages don't turn you on like they do to me..?
In very much the same boat myself, an unplanned gap year that is:wink: Until a few months back I was also quite bored and felt quite numb with everything. However, as has already been suggested I have been making extra efforts to see mates (because when you don't see them at college etc as a matter of course, you can drift from them unfortunately), making plans to do things I particularly want to do (such as travelling :biggrin:) and generally getting out and having some fun. Since I've started doing that I've come to actually appreciate and enjoy the free time and space I have now instead of bemoaning the 'boredom' of it, it's certainly helped me as a person to become stronger mentally.
I know it's seems a relentless never ending grind at times, but it is only until September, and I'd imagine if you've been working for a while you'll have a fair bit of disposable income.... plan a holiday or something to look forward to.:cool:
Reply 9
Write a book!


Come up with an internet-related business idea that will make you millions (like the guy who made a webpage full of advertising space and sold bits to companies for $1/pixel).
Reply 10
Boredom coz it's so late and no one is chatting is killing me...

I'm just typing aimlessly coz I'm lonely and nobody will talk.

I ain't taking gap year. Won't get bored...
Reply 11
go out to a local pub on weekends....even if you dont drink, just'll make friends there....
Reply 12
Well I guess dropping out is more common than I thought. Did the exact same thing and had the exact same problem. Eventually realised 2 things. 1) I won't drop out of uni again (boredom is great motivator) and 2) relaaaaxx. Just figure out what you enjoy doing and get off your bum do them.
Watch Richard and Judy, porn dvds and repeats of Batman before going to bed and crying yourself to sleep like the rest of us.
Watch Richard and Judy, porn dvds and repeats of Batman before going to bed and crying yourself to sleep like the rest of us.

heh werd. Im at uni but feel like im on a gap year. Every day I really hope that the 6pm channel 4 simpsons is an episode i havent seen too many times... today Homer is shamed by his poker-playing buddies into entering the world of adult education - awesome!
so that gives me something to live for today
*takes razor blade off wrist*

Seriously though, apart from a job theres nothing much you can do. Learning an instrument is a good idea thats been mentioned - if you find that you like it a lot you may end up playing many hours a day. Or you may not like it all.
Learning an instrument is a good idea thats been mentioned - if you find that you like it a lot you may end up playing many hours a day. Or you may not like it all.

Yeah I play with my instrument at least once a day.. :biggrin:
Reply 16
Yeah I play with my instrument at least once a day.. :biggrin:

i play with my instrument too, when i go to porn sites at 2 am in the nite