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HELP!! No uni offers

Hey guys..

I'm feeling so bummed... :mad: I got rejected from all 4 unis that I applied to:
Imperial, QMUL, King's and St. George.

I know that my GSCE's weren't brilliant (7 A's and 3 B's) and I got ABBB for AS but I really would like to know why I got rejected :confused: (all without an interview). Today was the worst day of my life!! This feeling sux.

Now.. I have no idea what to do!! I dreaded this day and I seriously hoped and prayed that it won't all come down to this moment. But sadly... I was wrong :frown: .

I really need some help or advice from anyone out there!! The way I see it I got a few slim options of getting into a medical schol:

1) Apply to a medicine related course (through ucas extra) and then just shift or convert to medicine once I get in. The thing is... I'm not sure whether you're gonna have to start from yr 1 of medicine after ur finish ur 'X' course or you can shift on the 1st year. I also don't know which unis do that. I'm pretty sure.. that if I start ringing them up, they're not gonna be encouraging candidates to be taking 'that' route.

2) Take a gap year... this is something new. I've never really considered this before so I don't even know where to start. Also.. if I'm reapplying again for 2007, then I have to fill out my application in Sept right? (or no?- slightly confuzzled here.. help) cos if that's the case.. then I won't have enough time to actually do some worthwhile work experience that's actually long enough for me to learn something from.

oh and I really don't want to put myself through BMAT (hell no) or UCKAT again!! They don't really help me but only weaken my application. Are there 4 medical unis that don't require NEITHER of those aptitude test??

I have no clear idea on what I'm actually meant to do...

Reply 1
get good a level grades and reapply next year. loads of people do it, its the best way.
Reply 2
I agree with Naveed. Graduade entry is much more competitive and best to be avoided. Do something relevant over the gap year and try again.

I think neither Manchester, Liverpool or Cardiff asks fro admission tests. At least they did not last year but it could hae changed. Best check on their websites.
Reply 3
Reapply Liz88, it worked for me! Use your gap year to strengthen your application so voluntary work, extra something amazing in the summer holidays like go to eastern european orphanges (much cheaper than going far east), paid work etc. I dont know if gappers have to take the UKCATs, also get AAA if alevels so good start and your GCSEs are great better than mine!Dont pick BMAT unis then.
Reply 4
so far i've had 3 rejections with 7A*s at GCSE and 4As at AS as well as loads of extra curricular stuff (incl. working in a romanian orphanage) my plans for next year in the likely event of further rejection will include cheecking my reference and PS (improving as required), adding to PS by working for a year as a HCA (or similar - loads of work exp also) - obvously i'd have to take a gap year for this
i think UKCAT's going to be used by pretty much every university that doesn't use BMAT but i've no idea whether gappers have to take it - no unis have given helpful responses to that query yet so i think it is unavoidable
advice for you: if you haven't seen your reference, ask to see it and see if your predicted grades match those required by unis (you may already know this but i'm just trying to be useful)
maybe redo your personal statement and try to get lots more work exp. and maybe some voluntary work
you would have to reapply through UCAS before oct 15th
don't start another course unless you'd be happy doing it for 3 years (some i think you can transfer from so you would have to research this first i think)
Reply 5
im sorta in the same situation as you! after so so long imperial rejected me! i also got rejected from ucl and kings. when asked for a reason i just got an email explaining the level of competition! bumbed about that but i had an interview at soton and i really really hope to get in! otherwise im screwed
Reply 6
yeah.. I might do a gap year. I just have no idea what to do in that year though... do you guys know some companies that are paid?? I could really use with some money AND experience.

Also, I'm slightly confused about something. If I have to reapply by the 15th
of October 06, then does that mean that I HAVE to know what I'm meant to be doing for my gap year by then? (cos what if something comes up or an opportunity arises after i've written my PS?)

It also kinda sucks because the UCKAT site won't be launched until april.

I tried filling up the 2 spaces I have through UCAS extra by applying to
something like Biomedical Science. but unfortunately, everywhere I looked is full. So disheartening:frown:

Thank you guys for all your help!! much appreciated.