Hey Just wondering whether anyone uses the book Intermediate Microeconomics: A modern approach by Varian. If so would like to know if it's useful/good and if you would recommend a different micro textbook as a uni introduction. thaks for any help on this Jack
Hey Just wondering whether anyone uses the book Intermediate Microeconomics: A modern approach by Varian. If so would like to know if it's useful/good and if you would recommend a different micro textbook as a uni introduction. thaks for any help on this Jack
As an introduction, you can pick up Begg or Perloff. Varian isn't an easy book in my opinion. If you want to go beyond it, Nicholson does decent books too.
LOL its such a long textbook to read - i mean 30 pages a chapter? whats that all about, lol. Plus although we have kar for lectures, i dont think its essential to read it cover to cover, the exam seems ok.
the varian textbook is very good I would strongly recommend it
As an intro, it's arguably a little up there, not too up there but wouldn't say it was going to be easy going... UCL, we kind of use it in the first year. Kind of in the second. It's a bit of a bridging book. Cambridge use it year 1 (not exclusively, not entirely sure how much and how they use it). Evidently, Warwick, it's year 2.
The Katz & Rosen textbook suggested by tangsiuje is a much easier read. Money spent on Varian wouldn't be wasted though. It's used a bit in the first half of 2nd year Micro at Warwick along with Microeconomics by Gravelle & Rees.
We were introduced to Varian end of year 1 and used it properly in 1st half of year 2. I hate the book personally I wouldn't say it's a good introduction as such..Perloff or Mankiw maybe might be better.