The Student Room Group

how to have normal experiences

coughsyrup is a hopeless romantic. coughsyrup has never really had the emotional contacts he has craved and has tried every drug readily available to fill this gap in his life. What a mess! I really wish I could just get a girlfriend, just get the kind of stuff my mates seem to be experiencing as they grow up, I just don't understand why it is so easy for some people and seemingly impossible for me to be normal and find these things out for myself. Do you think that it must just be because I'm slightly odd or something? I look fairly normal? I'm randomly drunk and depressed as I write this:biggrin: .
Reply 1
Nice third person.
Reply 2
yeah, ****ing awesome, innit. Long live tequila.
coughsyrup is a hopeless romantic. coughsyrup has never really had the emotional contacts he has craved and has tried every drug readily available to fill this gap in his life. What a mess! I really wish I could just get a girlfriend, just get the kind of stuff my mates seem to be experiencing as they grow up, I just don't understand why it is so easy for some people and seemingly impossible for me to be normal and find these things out for myself. Do you think that it must just be because I'm slightly odd or something? I look fairly normal? I'm randomly drunk and depressed as I write this:biggrin: .

maybe coughsyrup needs to look for an equally odd and/or drunk gal rather than trying to be "normal", something coughsyrup obviously isnt:p:
jkjk...stay off the drugs though...*hug*