I've always joked about this with my mates, but I really want to know if it is possible for people to genuinly be nocturnal.
I'm not an insomniac as I have no trouble sleeping, only problem comes in that I have to turn lights on making me think I'm sleeping during the day, and then when I wake up, and I see daylight, I always feel dissapointed that I have to wait for night.
I am often tired during the mornings, but even if I have had a really busy day, as soon as the sun goes down I'm instantly awake and just wanna do everything as normal, like shopping etc... just in the middle of the night.
My optician has said quite a few times that my pupil responses are "strange" and I don't know if this is because I live in the night mainly, or what. I also like to wear sunglasses during the day if possible cos that makes it a lot less bright, and closer to night.
Am I just weird, or genuinly nocturnal?