The Student Room Group

Am i the only one...

who sees this? There are hundreds of threads about what women look for in men and everyone says personality, trust, honesty and all that, but then they still go for the men who are attractive and possibly not all the things they said they wanted in a man. I'm not trying to say all women do this and i'm not trying to offend anyone, but its just something i've noticed in my friend's and a large majority of other women. For instance i have a friend who is with a guy who is really sweet and lovely and buys her presents all the time but she is trying to think of a way of breaking up with him because he is not good looking and again i introduce my boyfrienbd to m y friends and when they get me alone they are like well he not exactly good looking is he and i'm like he's no Johnny Depp but he's not repulsive and he's a really nice guy.
I'm not saying all nice guys are ugly and all hot guys are horrible but why give up a perfectly good guy cos he's not good looking?
Reply 1
exactly what i posted about 30 mins ago... the thread called "To Take Matters In Your Own Hands"

But people seem to hate me for it now...

So i dunno... they can SEE it happening before their eyes, but they dont wanna ADMIT to it... the world is getting blind, geeez..
Reply 2
Sorry, i did read you post beforehand, i didn't realise what i'd said was exactly the same as what you said.
You shouldnt. Some people just havent got a clue about what really matters. Looks arent everything, they just couldnt be. I could never go out with an arrogant guy like many girls seem to! Im usually attracted to guys through their personality, and usually dont even fancy them before i get to know them. This proves that your relationship will be based on more than those girls who go for looks only. If you are happy with your bf stay with him! There is no point gettin upset by comments made by other people, because at the end of the day its your life, and all the shallow people are going to be the ones who end up broken hearted bcos their arrogant good looking bf has cheated on them...
Reply 4
You need to get to know a person before you can date. Obviously, you'd rather to get know someone who is atractive, and that's why people go for the fit ones. :smile:

Loads of people date before they know eachother of course, and stay together for approx. 4 months. This is what we call, a typical teenage relationship. :rolleyes:
Reply 5
Different people have a different idea of what's attractive, for a start. And attractive and good looking aren't always the same thing. I would never go out with someone who I didn't find sexually attractive, but there's nothing to say that any of my friends would find the same guys that I do sexy.

As long as you like your boyfriend, who cares what anyone else thinks about him?