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chlymedia ****ed!!!

seriously think i have chylmedia, showing most of the symptons!! if been with my gf for like 10 months and i know i didnt get it from hr. I lost my virginity to her so i must have got it from before her(messed around with a few girls etc). I got an appointment with clinic next tuesdsay and telling my gf tomo to go get check put BUT she'l no i didnt get it from her!!! i told her that before i met her i hadnt really messed around with girls and not even came close to losing my "V" but thats a lie! And will she believe me that it came from b4 her as weve been together for nearly 10 months. I dont know wot to do!! im scared if i come clean to her l lose her!! please need advice!!!
Reply 1
you sure she hasn't played away and caught it from someone and given it to u?
Reply 2
what wait for resuklts before i tell her?? surly i should tell her asap just to go for a check up! can cause long term damage! mate im nearly 100% if got it!!
Reply 3
yer postive she hasnt.
Reply 4
just hold out for the results, you don't need to do anything involving her until then! easier said than done, i know. sit tight!x
Reply 5
Hmm, well scary as it sounds, I think the time has come for complete openness from you. Don't hesitate about telling her to get checked, especially as for girls chlamydia is often symptomless and can do irreparable damage. Then, it's the face the music bit. Apologise for being misleading/lying and say how far you went with girls before her. At least you didn't cheat on her and get it that way! If she has any sense she'll know STI's can go unnoticed for long periods of time.

However, I'm confused. Just because you lost your virginity to her that doesn't mean you couldn't have caught it from her...or did you mean she lost her virginity to you? Either way, she could have caught it before you were together from oral sex, or she could have cheated on you!

Not trying to worry you, this might not even be chalmydia, but since you're sharing sexual fluids you're also sharing this problem, so it's best to be totally straight, starting now.
Reply 6
how can u be positive that she hasn't.. u never know mate
Reply 7
don't worry. the symptoms are similar with a lot of sti/d's, it could be something not as bad as that!
Reply 8
thanks for replys so far!! im guna come tell her to go get checked out, i owe her that at least! well she only had one sexual partner before me and he lost his virgintiy to her so guessin she dint get it from him!! pretty sure she wouldnt play around as her parents split up from cheating and it really got to her and sed shed never do it!! does anyone know if i would be able to move my apointment forward as next tuesday is nearly a week away and would lie to no asap!!??

just hold out for the results, you don't need to do anything involving her until then! easier said than done, i know. sit tight!x
i just feel that its wasting precious time, i mean get tested on tuesday then it will be a coulpe of days to get processed im guessin so thats nearly 2 weeks until shel find out?

why have the sysmptons just started coming out now though cos when i messed about it was ages ago!!!??
Reply 9
You are far from ****ed.

I wouldnt worry if you do mate, although no sti is good, chlymedia is like the best one, its easy to get rid of, and doesnt hurt that much.
Ive had it myself twice, the second time i didnt even know. Symptoms generally dont persist and seem to fade the longer you have it.
I think sterility only occurs on occassion of a very long time, like say 3 years. Well i hope so anyway.

symptons i noticed where just a slight tingle/pain when pee'ing, thats it.
The cure is just 2 antibiotic tablets, hardly a life time of drugs :biggrin:

This may sound like im a dirty stop out, but both ocassions were condom malfunction, and the i thought the girls were angels (shows what i know)

Heres hoping you get the fit nurse :wink:
Reply 10
Reply 11
i swear all boots now have free chlymedia testing kits so you just go in and ask for one and you do it at home. might be just for under21s i think
if you have got it then what can you do it kinda will serve your right for not telling her the truth and for not being carefull when you mess about with girls. sorry to be mean but its what i think
Reply 12
since you put it that why. might as well go to a gum clinic then
Reply 13
How do u find out where ur local clinic is and can u just go to a doc?