The Student Room Group

Is this silly? stupid? pointless?

Hi guys , i need you x
In feb i started seeing a really lovely guy. I got someone i know to whos knows him to pass on my number and he text me the next day. We went out the following evening and met for a drink , kissed , went back to mine and watched a film and overall had a wonderful time. We met again the following night and hung out at mine and arranged a 'real' date for the weekend.

So on the friday i went out with friends and we were texting all night , it was so sweet , really nice textes . I mentioned that i had friends staying in my room thus was resigned to the floor so he invited me to stay at his (we live on campus so its a five min walk from mine). I agreed and he met me where i was and we went to his (he like waited up for me and everything. We had a great night , we didnt have sex cos i thought seeing as i really liked him we could wait a bit.

The sunday of our date he text me and asked me to drop of a jumper he'd left at mine and then when i did , he dumped me. He was nice about it and apologetic and explained it was because he wasnt over his ex (who lives next door). I went home and had a good cry and thought never mind im over it.

Since then i've had plenty of interest from guys and stuff but i keep comparing them to him. Its stupid cos we only dated for a week but i really really like him and its making me so sad. After we split we hung out together once more after bumping into each other at the local , my friends left so he came back for me to walk me home and then came up for a bit. That night he kissed me (seriously he initiated it) but the next morning when we spoke he insisted he was soooo drunk etc but i dont think he was.

We still talk on msn but i cant stop thinking about him. I like him so much and i just cant stand not knowing. His ex is now with someone else and he told me last time i saw him that he was ok with it.
Im so confused. Should i just build up the courage and tell him i really like him or what??

Help me.
Sorry for the essay -but this was actually keeping me awake!
Please reply.
Reply 1
His ex has mvoed on, he says he's ok with it so he can't use that excuse with you (unless he was lying). If he liked you before; why can your relationship not be re-kindled? I think you should say something to him; it's better to know and then it'd help moving on if he's not interested.
Reply 2
Thats what i think. But how do i tell him this? Invite him round for a cuppa and a chat? I just dont know. It'll be so bad if he rejects me.
Reply 3
Oh for goodness sake lizzy click anon next time. blah x
Reply 4
Oh cats out of the bag now..unless somehow by the power of editing x
Reply 5
Depends why he rejects you. He's not likely to reject you because he doesn't like the look of you as you were together beforehand. He can't exactly reject you for not liking you as a person as you still chat. I guess he could pull the "just friends" card but if it's something botthering you; which it obviously is you need to speak to him about it and do it when it feels right.
Reply 6
or not. never mind. doesnt matter if you guys know its me. i could invite him round for a catch up next term i guess.
Reply 7
umm they split up just after christmas i think. I just cant believe im so bessotted with him. Its not good.
Anywho now i've got that off my chest im gonna try and sleep. Back tommorow so please keep posting your good advice and opinions on what is occuring guys. Its so appreciated x
Reply 8
Go see him.

Sorry but my advice decreases in usefulness expontially past 1am. Bed for me.
he is being a bit of an idiot messing you about like that tho. are u sure he is that special?
Telling someone you like them can be so difficult... I know how you feel! You need to decide whether it would more probably make things better or worse? For me, I know that telling the guy I like that I like him would be a disaster because of circumstances, so I'm determined to move on and get over him. If you think there's a chance of things working out, I'd go for it!