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Reply 1
Wow!:eek: He sure is lucky. *Feels :mad: at the all the illnesses I've had*.
I've had the flu before, well actually, more than once so I know how you're feeling. :hugs: for when you getter better, because otherwise I'd get the flu too:eek: . Hope you get and feel better much sooner than later. How did you catch it?
Reply 2
Lol I think I know who I caught it off, but it's ok. My fault for having a crapola immune system right now, I've been getting about 5/6 hours of sleep lately which is a bit naughty so am going to have to make myself shut eye at 10am tonight!
hahaha I haven't been ill for a year and a half! :P
Reply 4
hahaha I haven't been ill for a year and a half! :P
Neither have I! I haven't been sick for close to two years, it's just my immune system is really down from too much sport/not much sleep and *something* is going around - koko on here has it to (conspiracy theory O_0 :eek: ).

Anyway I'm gonna go do something else now, like prolly purchase heavy duty cold/flu tablets *goes to chemist*
Reply 5
Make sure you have alot of vitamin C too as well as sleep because it's vitamin C that looks after and boosts your immune system. If you don't feel much like eating those fruits full of vitamin C because you don't feel like eating much at all because of the flu, you can get vitamin C tablets, orange flavoured and chewy, where one tablet gives you your 100% needed. Else multi-vitamin tablets are good too.

Oh-poulez-vous says it's time for :hugs:.:biggrin:
Reply 6
*something* is going around - koko on here has it to (conspiracy theory O_0 :eek: ).

Yeah, something is going around!
Heaps of people at school have been away late last week & early this week...its kinda freaky!

Make sure you have alot of vitamin C too as well as sleep because it's vitamin C that looks after and boosts your immune system. If you don't feel much like eating those fruits full of vitamin C because you don't feel like eating much at all because of the flu, you can get vitamin C tablets, orange flavoured and chewy, where one tablet gives you your 100% needed. Else multi-vitamin tablets are good too.

I think i know why i got sick! I usually always take vitamin suppliments, Vitamin C & Multi-vitamins & they ran out a couple weeks ago & here i am, sick as hell! I never knew that they actually helped alot...i eat them coz they're yummy, they're like a super healthy lolly! Must buy more!!! :biggrin:
Reply 7
Ive had flu since last friday.

Missed boyfriends leaving/moving away party and everything!

It sure as hell stinks.
Reply 8
Aww pet. :hugs:

I've had the flu for what I think was the first time in my life a few weeks ago. :smile: Missed a whole week of lectures and I had no idea your muscles could hurt for no reason!

Sure hope you get well soon.
probably you were with people, any1 of whom might have passed it on to you,
or you might have gone for jungle ,outdoor treking !!!!
Reply 10
Aww pet. :hugs:

I've had the flu for what I think was the first time in my life a few weeks ago. :smile: Missed a whole week of lectures and I had no idea your muscles could hurt for no reason!

Sure hope you get well soon.
Thankyou :hugs:

Well I'm at uni now and can actually go to lectures and stuff finally, but my throat is so itchy :mad: Must be the after effects, hmm I think I've got the tail end of this flu which means I'm getting better...

but is the worst part IMO :wink:

Btw good work in the EA Soc there hugatree, I'm really glad now I made you a co-leader - wouldn't have it any other way :cool:
i have got my 6th cold in about 8 months! my boyfriend (who i goddam live with!) hasn't caught one?! and i'm so far more healthy than him!! it's so unfair!
My mate Adam's so lucky, he's gone the whole year without getting sick once it's not fair! :biggrin:

Why is life so unfair :frown:

cause if you were never ill you wouldn't be able to appreciate healthiness :biggrin:
If you're able to go down to the chemists, you haven't got the flu.
You might have a bad cold, but it's not the flu.
I had flu when I was young and I hope I never get it again. You can't get out of bed. Walking to get a cup of water or going to the toilet is a mission, you last about 30 seconds before going dizzy.
Reply 14
cause if you were never ill you wouldn't be able to appreciate healthiness :biggrin:
True! :biggrin:

Also it is the flu which I had MagicNMedicine because I couldn't get out of bed the first day. But I have a decent housemate who got medicine for me :smile:
awwww :hugs: they are lovely... and plus.. flu is a good excuse to stay in bed and have other people cuddle you and make you hot soups :biggrin:
Reply 16
Btw good work in the EA Soc there hugatree, I'm really glad now I made you a co-leader - wouldn't have it any other way :cool:
:blushing: Thank you for making me one! :hugs: Hope you're feeling better today. :smile:
Reply 17
I can't work out if i've got the flu or not.
Last night me and my mates went out for a drink well 1pm - about 6pm and in that time I had 1 / 2 pints of fosters, a single vodka and coke and then another 3 or 4 double vodka's and coke (spaced out obviously), but I've been being sick like hours after and i'm still being sick this morning - now infact! :frown: But i'm normally good with drink. :frown: I ended up pretty light headed yesterday though.

All I know is my business teacher's going to kill me, coz I missed a coursework meeting this morning. :frown:

Or I might just be highly stressed, i mean I hardly had any sleep last night as I was working on my coursework.
Reply 18
:blushing: Thank you for making me one! :hugs: Hope you're feeling better today. :smile:
Yes, the tablets must be working! Considering they're heavy duty formula.
I've got a flu now :frown:

Flus are less damaging around these parts. I get them about five times a year. :frown: