i'm pro life but also pro choice. that doesnt mean im pro abortion.
how long is it?
if its within the last couple days , you can use the morning after pill. i dont know much about this tho.
if its longer, these are the options:
1)marry your bf and have the baby. hee's supportive and will care for you. this is the best opttion to me.
2)have the baby then have it adopted/fostered. this may require taking alot of time out of uni for hospital treatemtns and it will be hard not knowing here the kid is
3)abort and suffer the mental harm forever, but ultimately its up to you. i agree that pro life stuff, esp seeing the eyes of a foetus is entirely untrue. i've heard its like suction and sucks it out, though i dont know much about abortion.
at 18, you are very young to make this choice, and i know its too late but this is why kids too young to raise a baby shoulcnt have sex. i have strong catholic views on premaritial sex, contraception,abortion and i dont know much about these things, so im not much help, sorry
im not sure what to do, and i will pray for you to have the strenght to make the choice that is right for you.
maybe see your doc and ask to referred to family palnning? they can give you the proper advice about your options.
i wish i could help you more but i really have no idea about this kinda stuff. sorry. may God bless you and give you strength x