The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Bit early. You probably ate something bad. Go have a drink...and maybe a pregnancy test if you are THAT worried.
You cant really tell straight after sex. I think it takes like a week before you can test for pregnancy anyway...You wouldnt get a stomach ache this early on either. The best thing to do is take the morning after pill, if you're worried?
Reply 3
this may be an odd question but i dont know who else to ask..

- are there any symptoms some days after having sex if you got pregnant, ie. if u have a stomach ache etc?

i know its a silly question but i need help, thanks.

The only way to tell is by taking a test when your period is late (or slightly earlier with less accurate results for some tests). If it's only days after you've had unprotected sex, then get emergency contraception if you don't want to become pregnant or wait until you were due if you do.
Reply 4
Some women experience an implantation pain about 3 days after having sex when they become pregnant, but like the others have said this one symptom isn't enough to determine if you are or not.