The Student Room Group

another motivation thread

ok for the whole of this half term, i've really picked myself up and have been working away...thats where it stops. Today is the first day of the easter holidays and what have i done..I've stayed in bed, watched tv and randomly phoned people. Why can i not get into the right frame of mind? :confused: If I don't revise I am actually going to fail my exams!!! :mad:
Which exams are these? I have my a Levels in June but theres no way im revising in Easter hols for those!! Dont you have study leave? Ive done hardly any work at all this term :-) its nearly the end of school, everyones chilling. Ok so theres a final lot of exams but i wanna enjoy my last days at school, there arent many left! You are allowed days off to not work, dont be angry with yourself. But if you really need motivating then reward yourself. Say if i do this then i can have a chocolate bar/go shopping/cinema 2moro.......
Reply 2

I typed a long and boring mass of motivation related ideas in another thread a few days ago which I'm sure I'd be thanked for not repeating.

Basically try doing a little bit first thing in the morning, perhaps 5-10 minutes, so you'll feel better and it might make you more motivated to carry on.

It's early days, you can afford to spread revision out quite thinly at this point.
they're for my alevels and yes i do get study leave. The only thing is, last year i started around this time and I wouldn't have got good grades if i started any later. *tempts self to chcocolate* :biggrin:
Give your incentives but be disciplined, eg work for 3 hours then you get to watch half an hour/1 hour of your favourite programme (tape it!). Then do the same again. And get started in the morning (like 10am at the latest), you'll get a lot more done.
Reply 5
You're starting revision alredy? :redface:
they're for my alevels and yes i do get study leave. The only thing is, last year i started around this time and I wouldn't have got good grades if i started any later. *tempts self to chcocolate* :biggrin:

Hmm perhaps i am one of those people who find it easier to cram? i know people have dfferent ways of learning. the thing is, if i started revising now i wouldnt remember it by the time the exams came round, my memory is short term! But if you think you need to start now, dont let me discourage you!! LOL :biggrin: im sure you would thank me for that if you didnt revise now and then failed (which you wont because you work hard) Yes reward yourself with chocolate and going out! just limit the revision at this point, perhaps an hour a day? and you cld do more if you felt like it. but if you manage an hour then be pleased and do something fun, dont get cross with yourself. good luck xx