The Student Room Group

Aughh TSR I need help, I have a crush..

I need help TSR, I have a 'crush' on a girl this is getting out of control, I end up thinking about her all day. She's stunning, nice personality and what I would consider to be perfect. I would love nothing more in my life than to get to know her. But aughh, I can't, i've convinced myself that she's 'out of my league', and I don't really have any oppertunities to get talkin to her, don't know if she has a b/f... In the lunch hours she's in the smoking room and we have breaks at different time and so on.. But when I do meet her I feel so self concious aughh.

This thread is just a rant that's all, and I'm not working there until next week now :frown: just feel better for posting this that's all :smile:

Sorry for the anon but people know me and word could get back (although I would like that :p:)
Tell her, you've got nothing to lose - you don't even know her.
Not that i would ever have the guts to do this but i think that the girl would appreciate you telling her. Im pretty sure she's not going to be angry and if she's anything like me will just be happy bout it. And if she does like you as well then you wont end up regretting that u didnt say anything...

Did that help?
Reply 3
we've all been there :p: I dunno whether u should go right up 2 her and tell her cos if u dont even really know her she might feel a bit pressured etc.
But dont even think thoughts that shes out of your league, cos if u do you'll keep believing it and prob not ever get to know her. Just make small talk when ur with her in the smoking room etc, i dont think it would be that OTT to ask 4 her numbers, quite a few blokes do that and although it is a little off putting it can lead into getting to know each other (which after all is what u want!)
Lastly I dont think u should put all your hopes on this one girl, after all its probably only her image that you like, or youve built her up into some goddess lol. Just be aware that if things dont work out theres always others :biggrin:
Reply 4
Krazi Puji
Not that i would ever have the guts to do this but i think that the girl would appreciate you telling her. Im pretty sure she's not going to be angry and if she's anything like me will just be happy bout it. And if she does like you as well then you wont end up regretting that u didnt say anything...

Did that help?

I know, thing is (and i'm not making this up just cos I don't have the guts) I don't have the oppertunity in work, she works on the checkouts and I work in a different dept. I never have the chance to get talking, and I can't just talk to her as I pass in the corridors cos that would just be wierd. What would I say?

Do you know what I mean?
Reply 5
I know, thing is (and i'm not making this up just cos I don't have the guts) I don't have the oppertunity in work, she works on the checkouts and I work in a different dept. I never have the chance to get talking, and I can't just talk to her as I pass in the corridors cos that would just be wierd. What would I say?

Do you know what I mean?

which is I guess is what makes it worse cos theres a possibility as they r near u at work all the time... but it all relies on chance lol :p:
Yea i understand, i was in a similar position at school once but my crush just kinda disappeared after a while... lol random

If you dont really chat 2 her yet, why not smile in the corridors, say hi or something and try and make friends?
Theres no point hiding it and getting all depressed about it, you might as well get it out of your system, and you may get lucky, you never know.
Thank you for saying its a 'crush' rather than that you're madly in love with her. It always kind of annoys me when people say they're 'in love' with people they don't even know very well. I'm sure if you really wanted to, you could persue her, you might not get anywhere, but you might at least make a good friend from it! I guess the only advice is the normal 'relax around her, be chatty and friendly, etc etc'
Best of luck! xxx
Reply 9
Thank you for saying its a 'crush' rather than that you're madly in love with her. It always kind of annoys me when people say they're 'in love' with people they don't even know very well. I'm sure if you really wanted to, you could persue her, you might not get anywhere, but you might at least make a good friend from it! I guess the only advice is the normal 'relax around her, be chatty and friendly, etc etc'
Best of luck! xxx

Thanks for the replies everyone :smile:

Yes it is a crush because I might not even like her, I mean she seems great but if I got to know her and al that... She's relaxed/confident so I doubt anything would really put her 'under pressure'.

It's just having the oppertunity really and the pure confidence and balls to say something to her. I'm not very good at small talk to be honest but I'm sure I could pull of a nice chat. But if she was interested at all she would come and sit by me (well at least in chat to distance), wouldn't she? Prehaps she has a b/f, how would I know...

But seriously how the hell could I 'persue her' aughh I just have no chance to. I can't go and sit in the smoking room, cos I don't smoke, I dunno.. just see what happens I guess.

I'm in Uni, so I have 'crushes' on other girls but none quite as bad as this, I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't get her out of my head, I think its just a thing that i'll have for a week or two until it goes or I go back to Uni. I feel kinda stupid and annoyed with myself for not having a g/f atm, I've had them, but I want her..

Just the way I'm feeling at the

Sorry about the long posts,

Anyway gtg, gotta learn how to smoke :s-smilie:
Reply 10
Make your move. Stop being a girl :wink:
Reply 11
Augh, init. But how??????????!!!!!!!!! :frown: