The Student Room Group

does anyone else experience this?

well i constantly find myself talking to myself, like replaying conversations in my mind, that could happen or has alredy happened...i find myself laughing to sleep as well as sniggering to myself when for example i am walking in a corridor full of people cos i think of really funny things...

does anyone else do this i mean, my parents have noticed and they think i am going 'mental'...its really embarasing its been going on for years...

no making fun plz! :p:

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Just seems like you're being yourself.
Reply 2
I do it. Theres nothing wrong with being a bit c c c CRAAAZZZZYYY!!!!!

Join the club :smile:.
Reply 3
Yer, I think everyone does that a bit. Well I do anyway. Don't think I do it to the point of laughing but I do sometimes talk out loud, lol.
Ive never done that and don't know anyone that has
Reply 5
When you start to talk back, start worrying!
Reply 6
Ive never done that and don't know anyone that has

yet you feel the need to post as anonymous?
i do it, especially laughing at things or people as i walk by they probably think im mental but oh well..
I'm sure that most people do it, it's extremely embarassing when you remember something hilarious that happened or that someone said and you just burst out laughing.
Reply 8
i do it all the time! join the club! you are not alone in your crazy world!
Reply 9
i start grinning when i think of something funny that's happened, or could happen.
I also have conversations with myself when i'm at home on my own.
So i guess that's a lot of us :smile:
Reply 10
oh god im so glad im not the only one who has conversations with myself and other funny stuff then!
its just my parents i need to convince then...they really do think i am going mental and it made me feel really bad cos i was thinking there was something wrong with me....well i now know im just being myself!- i really do think of some really daft stupid stuff! lol
Oh it's normal yeh!

Laughing to sleep? I sometimes wake up laughing... :biggrin:
Reply 12
Yeah I'm like that, I think it's normal but if you actually hear voices, then that's not normal.
I think its normal. My teacher used to do it all the time and smash his head against the wall when he was mad...
I think its normal. My teacher used to do it all the time and smash his head against the wall when he was mad...

thats kinda funny!!! lol
Reply 15
Oh aye, I'm forever muttering and singing to myself under my breath when I'm walking, especially when I'm nervous.
Reply 16
Ive never done that and don't know anyone that has

Stop abusing the anon function.
Reply 17
I do that all the time - theres nothing wrong with it. I think most people do it
I do it sometimes. I've always kind of figured that it was part of growing up as an only child, having to make life a bit more interesting.
I would have quite liked to have an imaginary friend, but I didn't really have the imagination.. :frown:
I do it :biggrin: but then again, I'm, mad