The Student Room Group

Help...with one girl

Basically to cut a long story short...Theres one firl that im quite sure likes me (she shows all the usual signs) but i talk to her, when i see her but some times its like she doesnt want to talk to me and some times she does.

anwyay one time i was talking to her and as she was walking off...i told her i do like her and she turned back and gave me a big smile

but since dat day, we have not said anything to each other and i have no idea how to break the ice but im pretty definte she has a thing for me.

Any Advice what to do?
Reply 1
walk up to her and say "ten tonne polar bear"
then when shes like "eh? u wot"
u can say "just breaking the ice"

gettit... 10 tonne polar bear... breaking ice... jeez, i dont know why i bother sometimes lol.

nah sorry mate, cant help ya.
Reply 2
Thats pretty bad...but I couldnt help laughing. Lol.
LOL gr8 one stuey, that might be an idea. Break the ice with a joke (i dunno bout that one, but something along those lines) and then start a general convo... how she's doin and stuff. Then when she's talking and she's relaxed, ask her out or atleast ask her how she feels about you...

Sound good?