The Student Room Group

I'm going to get a retainer...

I've got a retainer question for all of us lucky people who've had braces. My braces are coming off in a month and I'll be given what is called an essix retainer. (along with a fixed retainer at the back of my bottom teeth) The essix retainer is a clear plastic mould that fits over the top teeth. I'm supposed to wear it all the time for 3 months and nights after that. (although I probably won't be that good..) I'm not looking forward to it, it looks like a mouthguard! I might have been happier getting a conventional retainer. Has anyone had any experiences with this?
Reply 1
I hate my retainers. They give you a bit of a lisp, and if your orthodontist is decent, they'll tell you to wear it all the time for three months, then when you're at home for 3 month, and finally every night till you're 18.

I go to a different orthodontist to my friends, and theirs told them to wear their retainers every other night right from the start - and their teeth bent back. But don't worry if your teeth bend back - there is a 99% chance they will.
Reply 2
I had exactly the same thing but didn't wear it. For your own good, WEAR IT. My teeth are now not much better than they were when I started my 6 years of orthodentic work. :mad: Although I've only myself to blame.
Reply 3
I hate braces.. The trouble doesn't stop even when they finally come off. :mad:
The retainer I'm getting doesn't seem appealing.. Don't fancy having a lisp!
I was thinking of wearing only at night, is everyone sure that your teeth can move back that quickly? That would be v v annoying.
Reply 4
I'm in exactly the same position as you. My brace comes of in four weeks and i'll have to wear a retainer, but i'm not sure for how long.

Do you know if you'll be getting the same retainer as me?

WEAR IT!!! No matter how much you hate it just wear it, I only wore mine at nights, and then not at all, and my teeth have shifted quite a bit, and they were so good at first, so no matter how bad it feels just wear it or you'll regret it
Reply 6
It's better then wearing fixed braces!! I wore a brace and i hated it cos in all the photographs my brace looked awful but now i cn simply take my brace out
Reply 7
yeah seriously its fine.. its really not that bad at all ! never worry .. plus think of the results at the end when your teeth are lovely and straight.. it's definitely worth it! if u have put up with braces in your mouth for around a year or more im sure u can cope with a little bit of plastic just to keep them in place! x
Reply 8
I got my braces off 2 or 3 years ago and they expect me to still be wearing my retainers... haha right
Reply 9
i got my braces off yesterday, how long will it take for them to start moving cos they cancelled my appointment for getting the retainer fitted and i'm scared nowwwwww! i think it's changed to monday..
I stood on mine and broke it :biggrin:
Reply 11
I had an annoying retainer after the removal of my brace. It had a bottom and top part which although werent joined , restricted the movement of my jaw. If for any reason my bottom jaw went forward it would catch on to my top retainer and push my top teeth forward, causing pain, this happened a lot when I spoke. They said I had to wear it for 24 hours but I decided to only wear it at night. Anyway 4 years on, I think my teeth are straight.
...and if your orthodontist is decent, they'll tell you to wear it all the time for three months, then when you're at home for 3 month, and finally every night till you're 18.

I only ever wore mine at nights, but still am ~ 3 years on. & am coming up to 21. it'll depend on the person!