The Student Room Group

Whats Keele like?

Well I am thinking of Applying for Keele next year, but was wondering, well basically what kind of a University is it? In terms of teaching, the local area, what things there are to do, things to do etc..

Also are there any mosques nearby or is there an islamic society or something similar? (I ask because of friday prayers)

Also I am hoping to apply for Medicine with Health foundation year, just wondering if anybody knew anything of that?

Reply 1
there's a mosque at keele, right behind the student's union:smile:
I think you should def visit keele tho- its hard to describe otherwise- apart from the fact its very green:p:
I'm pretty sure there is an Islamic Society too.
Reply 3
Yeh theres is both and i even think they are refurbishing or movin the mosque to a better position but not sure.

Keele is very much a little village and everyones friendly and theres a brill atmosphere. Teaching overall is good, scoring good marks in all departments but i can gurantee wotever course you do or woteva uni you are at you will have a lecturer who you cant understand cause they mumble or are foreign or they are dead arrogant or totally boring.

The surrounding area is alright, Newcastle isn't really the best place for shopping, theres nto many shops plus they dont open on sundays so Hanley is the best place but its further out.

Theres a cinema in Newcaslt eplus bars and clubs likewise with Hanley. Theres theatres and bowling alleys nearby plus gyms and swimming pools if you into fitness.

Plus alton towers and water world aren't too far away and Manchester and Birmingham are short and cheap train journeys away.
Reply 4
Thanks alot for the replies, they are highly appreciated :smile:

Its good to hear that its a good area, because I remember reading an article a couple of years back about racial attacks in the area, and similar things. But Keele looks like an awesome place, and if I get accepted for its pre-med course, I'll almost DEFINATElY go there
Reply 5
I havent heard of any racial attacks or abuse here. I have a asian friend here who says that he feels as if the university is "white" ie asian people tend to stick with asian people, chnease with chinease and africans (the people actually from africa, not coloured english people) stick with africans.
To be honest i really dont see it like that. Everyone mixes with each other, its just that there are so many societys where the majority of people who are members are of a certain ethnic back ground. ie dessi society (mostly asian people), chinease society, muslim society, islamic society etc. Because of this those people naturally become friends as they spend alot of time together becasue of the society.

I dont know if anyone else has any thoughts on this.
Reply 6
i'v lived in stoke-on-trent all of my live and hav friends that go to keele. It has its good and bad parts n places u wouldnt visit no matter what race you are. Its like most places really there are narrow minded people and normal people just steer clear of the idiots. Hanley in my opinion is better than newcastle mainly because of the shopping and the nightlife, although i do attend the college in newcastle. but sayin that newcastle has its ups aswell like the cinema there is better than hanley, cheaper n comfy seats. hope you hav a good time an it all works out.
ps. longton has quite a high asian community and there are mosques there, it is a bit of a trek but if u didnt like the one on campus then ther are always other places in the area.
good luck
jess x
Reply 7
Thank you for the extremely helpful replies, its made me want to go to Keele even more :smile:

Its good to hear that there is a mosque on campus, and that the local people are mainly friendly. Though I am not too concerned whether there are mainly asians or not, I have no problems making friends with people of any culture (just thought I'd make it clear) :wink:

Just wanted to make sure it was a good place, because I remember reading about racial attacks, and small BNP presence.

I hope I get in for the medical foundation course next year in applications.
Reply 8
There is a BNP presence at Keele, but it is select Minority and they don't (surprisingly) cause any harm to people. I have not heard anybody complaining about them openly. I think they keep themselves to themselves to be honest. You don't aggrevate them, they won't aggrevate you!

The university takes a very dim view of bullying in general, if a society like the BNP started to do so, they would most probably be disbanded (and forced underground...)

Original post by lady_ribena
I havent heard of any racial attacks or abuse here. I have a asian friend here who says that he feels as if the university is "white" ie asian people tend to stick with asian people, chnease with chinease and africans (the people actually from africa, not coloured english people) stick with africans.
To be honest i really dont see it like that. Everyone mixes with each other, its just that there are so many societys where the majority of people who are members are of a certain ethnic back ground. ie dessi society (mostly asian people), chinease society, muslim society, islamic society etc. Because of this those people naturally become friends as they spend alot of time together becasue of the society.

I dont know if anyone else has any thoughts on this.

What the hell is this???