The Student Room Group


If PCOS is left untreated, can it get any worse, or have lon-term damaging effects?

I've always suspected that I've had something like PCOS: my periods are certainly not normal, they do not come every month and there is no telling when one might come. There can be as much as six months between them, and although I've got to know the warning signs so I'm hardly ever caught out by them, it's still a stress not knowing when my next one will be. (What is, for example, I am out somewhere with no access to sanitary products or a toilet?)

I know that my paternal grandmother had great troubles conceiving, and that my Dad was an only child but they were lucky even to have him. It seems to me that I may well have inherited whatever problem she had (I have inherited lots from her, in looks and abilities as well as allergies, so it is not inconceivable that if PCOS is hereditary, then I may have got it too).

I've never been to the doctors about my periods, as they never seemed to be a problem particularly, just a nuisance that I can never tell when they are going to be. If there is anyone out there who has had something similar, and had it checked out, could I ask what happened?

Thanks - this has been preying on my mind a lot recently.
Reply 1

Just go see a doctor. Get something done. Could be something else. Look at the section "Differential diagnosis".
If it is PCOS you do need to get it confirmed as there are some changes you'd have to make to your lifestyle dietwise and general. A lot of the consequences of PCOS that aren't related to children are just about maintaining the aspects of your body that it changes (hair/weight etc.) But in regards to children get thee to the doctor as they will be able to advise you more.
Yep, go to the doctors.... PCOS has many effects and it would be good to know if you hae it so you can prevent certain things.... for example... it is reputed that weight gain can make your symptoms worse.... if you have it you need to know!
Reply 4
PCOS won't get worse unless you are overweight/become overweight as it can worsen the symptoms and just generally make your life more miserable. However, it won't make you infertile or anything like that.

You should see a doctor, though - PCOS is an utterly miserable thing and it's always good to have a bit of help with keeping it under control.

edit: Goddammit, didn't realise the thread was so old :redface: Why the hell was it dragged up?!