The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Dont wear your jacket :rolleyes:.
Reply 2
I get it too. If I've been in the bath or if I just get quite warm I get red blotches with white bumps all over my chest and back and they itch like crazy. The Dr gave me anti-histamines for them as it's some sort of allergy to the heat. After a while on the tablets, it's really cleared up a lot although it does come back sometimes. Go to the Dr :smile:
Reply 3
Ok ill do that, cheers. :smile:
Reply 4
Ok, when i go for walks and stuff, if im wearing a jacket and it starts to get warm, ill start getting quite hot and itchy.
Its really annoying, ill just be getting itches all over my back :frown:, anyone know why.

happens to me too. only started as i got less and less fit and put on some more weight...have you been fat and lazy recently like me? :biggrin:

plan to join the gym when i get home from uni and get a job. been planning to join one for a while.
Reply 5
allergic? to the jacket i mean
Reply 6
Nah it's nothing to do with allergy. I get it too at lunch because me and my mates walk all the way to the farthest away shop that it's possible to go to without being late back. It gets itchy, it gets sweaty and yeah, it probably is to do with unfitness, but i'm working on it! Never thought about anti-histamines, but then again i don't get blotchy or bumpy, just itchy and sweaty...and i do get it in the bath too often!
Reply 7
No I mean an allergy to heat. The anti-histamines have really helped :smile:
Reply 8
No I mean an allergy to heat. The anti-histamines have really helped :smile:

Lol yeah i was referring to phantoms comment, not yours sorry.