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Reply 1
I've only managed it once. Pretty damn cool. So realistic it's not even funny. I kept wondering if I really was dreaming, I'd pinch myself and it hurt, I'd run and I'd get tired. The only way I knew was that I could actually put my thumb through the palm of my hand. It is an impressive feat and I wish I could do it more.
Reply 2
I often can tell when I'm dreaming cos stuff happens that make me know its a dream, but I've only Lucid dreamt twice.

Details are for my head only :p:
Reply 3
Last time it happened to me I decided to go flying. I wasn't very good at it, but good enough to convince myself it was a dream. I wonder if I was just dreaming that I knew I was dreaming though :smile:
Is that same as performing an astral projection?
Reply 5
Is that same as performing an astral projection?

No they are not the same. Although lucid dreams can often act as a type of platform for astral projections I believe.
Reply 6
my friend can do unfair
Reply 7
I managed it once. I decided to eat an entire shelf of cakes.


This sounds incredible!
Reply 8
I used to know I was dreaming when I was little, and I'd be able to wake myself up from nightmares. Unfortunately it hasn't happened at all since I reached my teens. :frown:
Reply 9
Happened to me a couple of years ago - I wasnt in full control though.
Reply 10
I always know when I'm having a nightmare. Before anything nasty even happens I just get this horrible feeling and start trying to open my own eyes. It's really horrible though because I can sort of see my bed, wall, etc when I'm trying to wake myself up, but it just feels like my eyelids are really heavy and I can't open them, and I can't call out or anything. That's all I've done though, I've never actually been able to control a dream.......I don't think.

And this may be a stupid question, but what is astral projection?
Reply 11
i do it nearlly every night. Sometimes its quite good- like u can fly and stuff. Also if my dream gets freaky i can tell myself to wake up and i do. But sometimes i actually act them out i.e i dream that im teachin a class or somethin n i need to shout at them then i wake up and find myslef shoutin at the top of my voice- scared my mum a few times doin that lol:p:
Reply 12
i once had a lucid dream about terrorists who were planting bombs in certain houses in my neighbourhood :redface: My house happened to be one of them. The time was in the very early hours of the morning (at about 3 or 4 am) and i was the only one at home who happened to be awake and heard them break into my house. I decided to hide! and watched them quietly plant a bomb at the top of the staircase. I CAN EVEN DRAW OUT THE BOMB FOR YOU!!! and explain how it worked!!! it would heat up until it gets to a certain temperature and then it wuould explode! and it was designed in a way that it would continue to heat up no matter what you do to it!! :eek: its soooooo freaky!

well the terrorists left and i woke everyone up in the house and started crying and it was at this point that i woke up thinking...THANK GOD THAT WAS ONLY A DREAM! it felt soooo real to the extent that i couldnt believe it was only a dream! :bawling:

is this a lucid dream? reading over the previous posts, i think i might have misunderstood it..oh well..:rolleyes:
Reply 13
Yeah I have, haven't had one for ages though. When I was little I used to choose to wake up from nightmares, a particular one I remember is when a clown was chasing me and it kind of paused and I knew I had the option to wake up or carry on running so I chose to wake up.
In another one I decided to go driving in a fancy car, as I don't drive yet.

Another time one of my family members who we lost to a brain tumour appeared in my dream and it turned into a lucid dream i.e I realised I could have control, so I used the opportunity to question him about where he was/ if he was ok, but it was as if I was crossing the line of conciousness that you're not supposed to cross because I couldn't get any answers and woke up soon afterwards.

I've never been gutsy enough to try flying though, because it seems so real that I don't want to risk the chance that I'd really be jumping off a cliff and I'm a bit superstitious about doing dangerous things in dreams incase you just end up never waking up again.

Going off the topic a bit, I always seem to wake up having slept with my arm in a funny position, the amount of times I've woken up with a floppy paralized arm which I literally couldn't move apart from if I picked it up and slung it to another position with my other hand...not good and v scary!
Reply 14
i did my gcse english talk on lucid freams, (very good because it is interesting and not many people actually know what lucid dreaming is). i did a lot of reading on the subject, and it sounds so cool - being able to fly, meet whoever you want and do whoever you want. Anyway, because i had read so much, it was on my mind and before the talk i had a lucid dream. i was on the tube, but as soon as i realised i was dreaming i got so excited that i woke up - apparently common if you don't lucid dream a lot. i would do all the things they tell you to do but its too much work, maybe when im at uni.
I think have before but i've never knew it was called lucid dreaming. Like one time when i had this crush on a guy at school, he came into my dream and i sort of felt i controlled it because everything that i wanted to happen actually did (lol it was a school prom).

Oh and i sleep on my hand alot too and then it kills when im awake! So annyoying...
Reply 16
I used to be able to do it a lot when I was younger, but from when I started my GCSEs for now I dont think I have. Life too stressful. Lol. Maybe during summer ill give it another go...I wont tell you what Ive gotten up to im my dreams...Haha.
Reply 17
I've had lucid dreams for years and years and years and I don't want to have them anymore. I'd rather have unpredictable dreams. Whatever you do in a lucid dream can be done in a daydream... obviously it will feel less realistic that way... but I'd rather not waste my dream time anymore. There are loads of sites telling you how to have lucid dreams, and few telling you how to stop them. :frown:
I haven't been dreaming much recently, but whenever I do I can control it and know I'm dreaming. Tis quite odd really, but empowering :biggrin:
Reply 19
I learnt about it in psychology - there was this one guy who trained himself to lucid dream and would make certain eye movements to indicate to the other researchers when he was having one. A few weeks ago I had one (only one ever) and I was trying to do the eye movement thing, because I thought that was what I had to do, but in the textbook it didn't say what the movements were so I just ended up opening my eyes and waking up. Total waste of a lucid dream :frown: