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I need some serious help!

Hi guys,

Listen , I'm in a real bad position.For those of you ho don't have time forget this thread cause I need some real help...

Ok so me and my girlfriend have been going out for about 10 months and we are both 18.Because I was not admitted to any english uni last year I decided to stay in france and study medicine even though it was not my thing.Since my gf was also doing med it was cool.Now we always spend our time together in class and we see each other everyweek end , and let me tell you that it is a great mental support as in France when you're a med student in your first year in order to secure yourself a plce for second year you can plan on working around 12 hours per day(including 6 hours of class)!

Now since february i realised how medicine does not interest me and the results I got were terrible even though I worked like a maniac not seeing my friends and everything...

Now Even though my results were in march I still applied to english uni as a late applicant and thank god I just got an unconditional offer.

Now my problem is that I don't know how to tell it to my girlfriend.I know that she's so in our relationship that if I just tell her that I'm leaving she's gonna fail her exams at the end of May(even though she knows she won't pass as she's too far behind the number of people being admitted so now she's working for a second year in some ways).I know that she'll be heart broken and just plain demoralised as I think she perhaps sees me as her future husband...

Now I was thinking of waiting until the end of may to tell her(just after the exams) or before.But the thing is if i decide to tell her in may I'll still have to go to class everyday even though i'll know I go to england in september and I don't think I'll be able to handle it.

Now if I say it before may I'll try to help her in her studies if I can because she'll know we're gonna have to break up.

What do you guys think I should do ?
You are at a stage in your life where you have to put yourself first. It will be a hard decision but you have to make it.
I know that's not the problem I've already decided to go to england.The problem is when I should tell her that I won't stay in medicine and that I'm gonna go to england and that we have to break up!That's a lot for a really stressed and sensitive girl.

Like I said , it's all about lying and going to class for 2 months for a course I'm not even interested in...

The thing is I don't think I'll be able to handle it and will jsut end up saying it to her before the end of May.
Reply 3

The thing is I don't think I'll be able to handle it and will jsut end up saying it to her before the end of May.

There's your answer then. If you're going to tell her anyway then it's best to tell her now so she has the most amount of time to get over it before her exams.
Reply 4
Do you want the rest of your life defined by a decision made to keep your girlfriend happy? You have to tell her.
Reply 5
Why do you have to break up though? Wouldn't you be able to keep the relationship going?
Reply 6
god, I have never known a people like the brits for thinking LDR are a feasible situation.
Reply 7
i dont see why you have to break up? cant you just have a LDR even though it might be difficult? Tell her after her exams - give her the best chance of passing she can have.
Tell her before it you dont think u can handle waiting till may. otherwise you'll just blurt it out at a really bad time. Instead sit down and tell her its been a really hard decision for you to make but you'd really like to try uni in england. She maybe upset to begin with but she'll probably end up being really supportive.
i dont see why you have to break up? cant you just have a LDR even though it might be difficult? Tell her after her exams - give her the best chance of passing she can have.

That's impossible as I'll come back to france once a month and I don't want to feel "blocked" as I intended to live my life to the fullest at uni and that includes sports , job , societies etc...