The Student Room Group

Infected Finger!

A couple of days ago I sliced by finger open in a nightclub. I got myself trapped in a toilet and decided that in the slightly tipsy state I was in, the best idea was the to break the lock. It worked but unfortunantly I managed to cut my finger in the process.

It's quite a deep wound and now it's started oozing green gunge. I'm pretty certain it's infected. I'm really worried though because of where I did it. The club I was at was one of those drab, disgusting places and the toilets stank of sewage. Do think it's likely I might have picked up something dodgy? Is it worth getting a blood test or am I being completely paranoid? It's really painful!
Reply 1
Go to the doctor asap n get it sorted. I wouldnt worry tho- dont think ud have caught nefin xxx:p:
Reply 2
Go to the doctor. In the meantime, try putting some TCP or other antiseptic on and see if that helps.
Reply 3
go to the doctor but clean it out really thoroughly and as deep as you can and run it under water for ages, put on savlon which will ease the pain and also help kill any bacteria in it and get rid of the infection and put on a plaster or dressing. keep it clean until you go.
Reply 4
tea tree oil... that stuff is amazing and works wonders. get some and put it on your finger. but also, if your worried - see a doctor

em xxxx
Reply 5
A couple of days ago I sliced by finger open in a nightclub. I got myself trapped in a toilet and decided that in the slightly tipsy state I was in, the best idea was the to break the lock. It worked but unfortunantly I managed to cut my finger in the process.

It's quite a deep wound and now it's started oozing green gunge. I'm pretty certain it's infected. I'm really worried though because of where I did it. The club I was at was one of those drab, disgusting places and the toilets stank of sewage. Do think it's likely I might have picked up something dodgy? Is it worth getting a blood test or am I being completely paranoid? It's really painful!

It sounds like its just infected. You really should get it sorted...assuming you are fond of your finger.
Reply 6
Seeing green stuff is never a good sign. Sounds like it's infected with me. If I were you I'd book an appointment with the doctor and tell them about the grungy place it was. They may insist on taking a blood test if it's that bad.