The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I've got an interview with queen Mary's on Friday. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with some answers to the following questions they may ask:

1. Why Dentistry?
2. Why not medicine?
3. Why Queen Mary's?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

Search the forum for dentistry threads, there a quite a few with possible answers to why dentistry? and why not medicine?

Have you had any other dentistry interviews?
Reply 2
no, i got rejected from KCL, and Leeds. Still waiting on reply from Bham.
Reply 3
When I got asked why dentisty, I related it to my work experience, telling them what aspects of it I enjoyed, i.e. the variation, contact with people, enjoying science aspects etc, - but the important thing is to be sincere about it, remember they will probably be asking that question to most candidates (or a variation of that question), so perhaps relate it to particular parts of your work experience. Oh, - and what ever you do don't mention the money aspect (though admittedly it was probabley my main reason!).

Make sure your honest with what you say in the interview too, - ok so everyone exadgerates a little, but make sure you can follow up anything you've said as the interviewers often pick up on little things and ask follow-up questions (I was caught out a few times). Remember what you wrote in your personal statement, - they will ask about it.

Why not medicine? - I said that I prefered working manually, and that with dentistry you get to build a unique relationship with your patients as you see them on a regular basis rather than only when they're ill. I also mentioned something about dentistry being more specific as your only dealing with the mouth rather than the whole body.
Reply 4
^ thanks a lot for your help.
Reply 5
No problem, I'd be happy to help if theres anything else you want to know about interviews or the course. I don't know much about Queen Marys though!
Reply 6
I should probably mention I'm a first year, - I applied last year and am actually doing the course now!
Reply 7
what are the interviews like? are they tring to catch you out, or are they friendly? should i be nervous?
Reply 8
is it true the holidays are really short compared to other degrees? where are you at btw?
Reply 9
Newcastle. The holidays for the first and second year and pretty much the same as for any other degree (the second year holiday may be marginally shorter I think actually), but in the clinical years, (3, 4, and 5) they get a LOT shorter at easter and christmas, and only a couple of weeks long in the summer.
Reply 10
Whoops, missed the other question. The interviewers at all my interviews were friendly, though I think on a few occasions the interviewer was trying to catch me out, thats why I mentioned being honest in one of my previous posts! I was nervous for my first interview, but there really isen't any need to be, - all the interviewers are really looking for is someone who has enthusiasm for the course, and a person who they can see becoming a good dentist after they've trained you for five years!