The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Absolute, unflinching obedience to their every whim.
Reply 2
What do girls in the UK expect from their would be husbands,
what kind of a person he should be and what qualities should he be carrying , if he stands any chance of marrying a girl in UK.

thanks so much for your response. :smile::smile::smile:

jus the same as they expect all over the world?

money, stability, commitment, children?
Reply 3
Absolute, unflinching obedience to their every whim.

lmao.....that's not a husband then....that's a little boy
Reply 4
You'll make a great husband :biggrin:

Girls like guys who are strong and powerful and can protect them from anything. They will fight for them, but be gentle with them. Someone who can be your best friend and you tell anything to, someone who you can trust with everything especially your heart.

On a more shallow level, a good steady income is a bonus. Good looks are great, but only if the girl finds them attractive. A spark between you is a must.

is profesh a guy or girl? it doesnt have the zodiac sign thing on his (her?) post.. :confused:

lol anyway, my personal view is that STRONG and POWERFUL men are fit to be BOYFRIENDS, not husbands...coz they offer SECURITY to the girl...

A man with a "steady income" can offer SECURITY too, but a different kind of security... u know what i mean? heh :wink::wink:
Reply 5
Profesh is a guy.

Shouldn't a husband be strong and powerful? What I mean is a husband should be able to protect his wife, but be gentle and kind to her.

Financial security is attractive, obviously!

hmmm well if a husband can provide BOTH kinds of security, i.e. "strength and power" and "finance", i think that'd be very attractive indeed... a lot of women will fall for him :biggrin: :biggrin:
Absolute, unflinching obedience to their every whim.

:rofl: oh that's hilarious!
You'll make a great husband :biggrin:

Girls like guys who are strong and powerful and can protect them from anything. They will fight for them, but be gentle with them. Someone who can be your best friend and you tell anything to, someone who you can trust with everything especially your heart.

On a more shallow level, a good steady income is a bonus. Good looks are great, but only if the girl finds them attractive. A spark between you is a must.

Seconded. :smile: I'd definitely put the money thing as a secondary interest though, the first part is much more important
Reply 8
Love your Black Books quotes!

Money is good!

Seriously though - same things I look for in a friend, plus sexual compatibility.
Reply 9
Absolute, unflinching obedience to their every whim.

That sounds about right :biggrin:
Love your Black Books quotes!

Money is good!

Seriously though - same things I look for in a friend, plus sexual compatibility.

Thanks :biggrin: I love Black Books so much...

I agree with this too. Obviously there needs to be a spark, but other than that you're looking for someone you get on brilliantly with and want to spend time with; so you're bound to be after similar qualities you go for in friends - maybe with some differences though
Someone who supports me through thick and thin, who openly shares their feelings and is completely honest with me, someone faithful and loving, someone who doesn't mind me being a pharmacology geek, someone adventurous and passionate in bed, and someone who treated me as an equal in the relationship, not as the 'lower, weaker one to be protected.'

Moneywise, I fully intend to have a career and manage my own money, so the 'financial security' hopefully won't really be an issue. However I would want someone at least to be careful with the money they have. I'm a big saver and I think someone who spent superfluously til their last penny would end up frustrating me!
Reply 12
It wouldn't bother me how much money he earned (no really, it wouldn't) as long as he had ambition and was doing something worth while. I will have my own career that will enable me to financial security so that wouldn't come into it. A good husband would just be someone I had a deep connection with and someone that would stick by me, I would never marry someone's money, what pleasure would you get out of that? Money is nothing, love is everything.
Someone who supports me through thick and thin, who openly shares their feelings and is completely honest with me, someone faithful and loving, someone who doesn't mind me being a pharmacology geek, someone adventurous and passionate in bed, and someone who treated me as an equal in the relationship,not as the 'lower, weaker one to be protected.'

Moneywise, I fully intend to have a career and manage my own money, so the 'financial security' hopefully won't really be an issue. However I would want someone at least to be careful with the money they have. I'm a big saver and I think someone who spent superfluously til their last penny would end up frustrating me!

The thing is, there is one thing that is always going to be the case: I fully agree that a woman should be looked upon as an equal in a relationship, but no matter how much you try, how much you argue that women have equal rights - men are still physically stronger, and will always be so.

So please forgive us men; thousands of years of evolution and being the guardian cannot be cast away at the whim of one woman. :wink:
Reply 14

Girls like guys who are strong and powerful and can protect them from anything. They will fight for them, but be gentle with them. Someone who can be your best friend and you tell anything to, someone who you can trust with everything especially your heart.

On a more shallow level, a good steady income is a bonus. Good looks are great, but only if the girl finds them attractive. A spark between you is a must.

i agree wtih aetheria
i personally would want someone who was strong and could handle stress from work, and from me as well. Someone who i could rely on and trust etc. not a lot i suppose:smile: if anyone knows someone like this please tell me :smile:
it wouldnt bother me about money, aslong as he was like well educated else i think we wudnt have enough i n common, like so probly someone who has been to uni. Erm..good looks/spark essential in the beginning, and someone you can have as a best friend, and will be faithful. Friendly guy with a sense of humour/same interests as me. i just got dumped by wat i thought wud be my perfect future husband....gutting
it wouldnt bother me about money, aslong as he was like well educated else i think we wudnt have enough i n common, like so probly someone who has been to uni. Erm..good looks/spark essential in the beginning, and someone you can have as a best friend, and will be faithful. Friendly guy with a sense of humour/same interests as me. i just got dumped by wat i thought wud be my perfect future husband....gutting

sorry- just shows we don't really know who our future perfect guy is