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Um.. if you dont want him to do it infront of you, just ask him not to do it.. Im sure he'll be ok with it, and it is kinda nasty..
Reply 2

If you will speak about a noses you can been saying to him that you don't like when SOMEONE picks into nose. Don't say to him that you saw what he do it.
Reply 3
..and then eats it.

he does it when he doesn't think i can see, but i can :confused:

well, the point is, i don't actually really mind. i'm not sure if i should bring it up or not. i don't mind that he does it, i'd just rather he didn't do it in front of me.

or should i just keep quiet about it?



picking nose is one thing, but eating? i'd take some serious action, or dump him...
he's a confirmed wrong'en.
..and then eats it.

he does it when he doesn't think i can see, but i can :confused:

well, the point is, i don't actually really mind. i'm not sure if i should bring it up or not. i don't mind that he does it, i'd just rather he didn't do it in front of me.

or should i just keep quiet about it?
Are you feeling a bit left out that he isn't sharing it with you?

Maybe you should say something. He probably won't mind giving you a bit now and again. He might even let you have your own little poke up there if you're really lucky :p:
Reply 6
Roger Kirk

Maybe you should say something. He probably won't mind giving you a bit now and again. He might even let you have your own little poke up there if you're really lucky :p:

:eek: i don't get it...
:eek: i don't get it...

You know, he might share his bogies with you, let you eat one of his now and again. He might even let you try and catch one'd save him the effort of rooting up his nose for them. All sorts of animals groom each other and appear to eat the proceeds. This would be no different.

What did you think I meant?
Reply 8
i actually see a lot of people doing it (i'm very observant) when they don't think anyone's looking.
i actually see a lot of people doing it (i'm very observant) when they don't think anyone's looking.

What? Picking each others noses?
Roger Kirk
Are you feeling a bit left out that he isn't sharing it with you?

Maybe you should say something. He probably won't mind giving you a bit now and again. He might even let you have your own little poke up there if you're really lucky :p:

Haha! Yeah get some candles and a bottle of Lindemans and have a candlelit dinner for two... :biggrin:
Reply 11
Roger Kirk
What? Picking each others noses?

if you'll note we both posted at the same time so how could i be replying to you :confused:
Reply 12
Roger Kirk
What? Picking each others noses?

Is that considered romantic nowadays?!
Reply 13
OMFG - I would dump a girl if she did it.
if you'll note we both posted at the same time so how could i be replying to you :confused:
You could have been very quick at replying...60 seconds is along time :smile:

Just a joke anyway :p:
Reply 15
:puke: eats it? :puke:
Reply 16
:puke: eats it? :puke:

maybe i'm not as disgusted as everyone else cause i notice it a lot?
The thing to do is this: next time you see him going for a quick dig, you lunge forward (in exaggerated slow-motion) whilst (again in slow motion) shouting "Nooooooooooooooooo!" - your face should look a little something like this ---> :eek:. This should hopefully stop him mid-pick. At this point you grab his finger (the one with the snot on it) and shove it forcefully back up his nose. Then in a show of mock-exhaustion you turn back (still in slow-motion) and tumble to the floor leaving your boyfriend bemused with the bogey lodged firmly back up his nose from whence it came. If he asks you what just happened you deny all knowledge and continue as though he's imagining the incident. If this doesn't work I'll eat my hat.
Reply 18
The thing to do is this: next time you see him going for a quick dig, you lunge forward (in exaggerated slow-motion) whilst (again in slow motion) shouting "Nooooooooooooooooo!" - your face should look a little something like this ---> :eek:. This should hopefully stop him mid-pick. At this point you grab his finger (the one with the snot on it) and shove it forcefully back up his nose. Then in a show of mock-exhaustion you turn back (still in slow-motion) and tumble to the floor leaving your boyfriend bemused with the bogey lodged firmly back up his nose from whence it came. If he asks you what just happened you deny all knowledge and continue as though he's imagining the incident. If this doesn't work I'll eat my hat.
i thought maybe someone could suggest a tactful approach
Well, I'd've said "buy him a hanky", but that just wouldn't have been as much fun would it?