The Student Room Group

Need advice asap please....

I'm on the combined pill but earlier this week I forgot to take one tablet and so had to use the 7 day rule thing. Basically that means I've had less protection from the pill this week. I had sex last night a few times without a condom, silly I know:redface: , and so want to take the morning after pill today. Would it be best to pop down the doctors and sort everything out? Would they give me the morning after pill or do I have to get it from somewehre else, or buy it? Also, can I only have STI test at a GUM clinic? Or can I have it done at the doctors? And would the morning after pill make me ill in anyway? Just want to make sure I do the right thing now...
Speedy replies would be much appreciated:smile:

Reply 1
You can buy morning after pill from places like Boots and Superdrug but its like 25 quid!! Otherwise go to a family planning clinic or doctors asap.

It shouldnt make you ill - but it makes some people throw up which means you have to take it twice.

Seriously, morning after pill is really really easy. If I were you Id just go buy it - saves faffing.