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Oxford or Stanford

I got into both Oxford and Stanford, can someone please give some advice. I really like Oxford because of (apart from being Oxford) the interactive tutorial system and amazingly beautiful university. The undergraduate education at Oxford is much more specialised and in depth than what i might get at Stanford. On the other hand Stanford is attractive because I'm not sure what degree I want (at Oxford I have been accepted for engineering and don't think i can change courses) and because it seems like more fun.

The college is Teddy Hall. Also is it true there's no sex at Oxford? (not that i'm considering basing my decision on this) :smile:


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The college is Teddy Hall. Also is it true there's no sex at Oxford? (not that i'm considering basing my decision on this) :smile:

Are you living in the 18th century or something?
Reply 2
"There's no sex at Oxford?"

I'm sorry, but what kind of a question is this? It's so typical of people to think that Oxford students are different from normal human beings.

To regard your normal question, I would say Oxford. I'm not biased, as I'm in neither universities, but I have friends who are at both. Stanford is an excellent uni, however my friend was complaining about how the library facilities in Stanford aren't as good as Oxford. The library is just an example, she was also complaining about the dorms. Also, like you said yourself, the tutorial system in Oxford is a great idea.
Reply 3
The college is Teddy Hall. Also is it true there's no sex at Oxford? (not that i'm considering basing my decision on this) :smile:

It exists every where you go! I hope you're not thinking that Oxford's made up of academic robots only with the capability of crunching numbers and regurgitating facts from books. :wink:

As to your question on whether to pick Oxford vs Stanford, I wouldn't know. But it's an extremely invidious decision that many others can only hope to make. :smile: Personally, I'd pick Oxford because of its collegiate system, and I prefer Europe over the states!
Reply 4
Also is it true there's no sex at Oxford? (not that i'm considering basing my decision on this) :smile:

The only reason I ask this is that a friend of someone whos at Oxford told him that most people are pretty conservative in this regard (ok so I was exaggerating when I said no sex). And I just wanted to clarify, seeing as how i might be spending four years at oxford.

But I guess I'll take your word for it then :smile:
Just work your charm, you'll be fine. To be fair though I imagine students at Stanford would on the whole be a lot more liberal than those at Oxford.
Well, the 2001 survey did put Oxford at the bottom of the table when it came to sex. While there hasn't been a new one done, anecdotal evidence would suggest things don't change too quickly and I'd be hard pressed to believe Oxford is doing it 24/7.
Congrats! I just was accepted to Harvard myself but if I had gotten into Oxford I would almost certainly have gone there over Harvard.
If you really love your subject to the exclusion of most other things then Oxford is perhaps the better idea but if you are really unsure then Stanford is almost certainly the best idea at Oxford it's a real bitch to change subject and it's not really done to change your mind more than once.
In the last four years from my school 7 engineers have been accepted at both Oxbridge and Stanford and 6 of them chose to go to Stanford as I think that as a place to study engineering it is preeminent.
Ultimately the choice is, of course yours, do you like the sun? California? San Fransico?
Old Stone? Tutors? Posh people? As I understand Teddy’s is a good college to do engineering. Plus Stanford is much more expensive but that may or may not matter and the fact that it is more expensive leads to better facilities.
Reply 8
Yay Teddy Hall! That place (supposedly) rocks! :biggrin:
Reply 9
oxford=cheaper (unless you're international)

Standford = rediculously expensive (unless you're loaded)
Reply 10
oxford=cheaper (unless you're international)

He is international, so I don't think Stanford will work out a lot more than Oxford.
Reply 11
Why, you beat me to it punk :smile:
Reply 12
Oxford's brill, but probably different to an American "college"....I'd weigh up the pros and cons of each..
Reply 13
Why, you beat me to it punk :smile:

Do your undergrad at Oxford. Masters at Stanford.
Reply 15
That last line in the OP surely suggests this is an April Fools' Joke?
Reply 16
Why do you say that? :confused:

He did get in to both Oxford and Stanford...
Reply 17
No, why would I joke about something like this?
Bluefuture, a lot of people are telling me to do what you are saying, but I really don't see why. Why is that a good idea?
Lots of people say that. it's either a gerat idea or eally dumb. The american collegs have better facilities so you might have more resources for you masters on the other hand they are much more strict and hardat masters and there are many courses where even one C in two years will disqualify you from getting your Masters degree.
For the lazy the best route is to do your undergrad at Stanford and then do a masters at Oxford - still not easy but much less pressure.
Reply 19
Hmm, the reason why is because the excellent facilities available at the considerably richer top american colleges only become really important in the more advanced work. Oxfords facilities are good (give them some credit- afterall, they are far and away richer than every other uni in the country 'cept cambridge), just not as good as over the pond. I can't imagine this will have any real impact in your education at an undergrad level.

Meanwhile, the oxford tutorial system gives you the chance from the word go to learn one on one (or two to one) from some of the top academics in their field. Whereas at Stanford you'll be taught 99% of the time in huge lectures, with very little personal contact with the professors.