The Student Room Group

PGL adventure

Hey as some of you may or may not know i have left home to work for PGL. It is a fantastic company to work for and you can teach the activities you love to kids on holiday. I am currently a multiactivity instructer taking kids for archery, quad biking, areo bal and low ropes but i specialiser in Pony Trekking. There are centres all over the uk especailly on the south coast. You can choose to speacialise in Water Sports or Ropes (absailing, cl;imbing etc) or both!

I have met the best friends i probably ever will i am living with two fantastic people in a house with some of the crazist party animals you wil ever meet! I have friends from Australia, South Africa, Bulgaria, Wales, Croydon lol you name it i know someone from there!

If you log on to thier websote you can find out what postions they have avaliable and where, if you get through you will be sent to Boreatton Park in shropshire for training and you can meet me!!

If Instructing isnt your thing you can be a groupie, they look after the kids when they are not on session, play games dress up and everything! I know boys and girls that do it so dont be shy! There are also kitchen staff postions, bar staff and other jobs where you dont have to work so muxch with the kids. There are also overseas postions in France and Spain!

Any who i hope i havent bored you to death but it really is the perfect job for a gap year, its Uni without the hardwork! Unless you decide to do an NVQ though. I fyou want any advice on working for PGL just email me (dont PM asw i am not on much anymore!")

Lots of Love Trigger

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Reply 1
yesh! Im thinking of doing it during the summer months next year. They say they have limited places for just july and August, so as soon as the time comes, im going to reply straight away :smile: How does the accomodation prices work out?

Reply 2
first year is free then they charge you come to boratton park it rocks!! :biggrin:
Reply 3
Am also considering doing this during my year out, any idea if you get the same kind of atmosphere going at the camps abroad?
Reply 4
everyone that goes to segs absolutley loves it, a lot of people left the other day. If your into your water sports kyaking etc france is the place for you.

Hope this helps :smile:
Reply 5
Hey Trigger
Im thinking of applying for PGL next year and was wondering if you could just answer some of my questions.
Do i need to qualified in some sort of sport to be able to apply for group leader position?
What sort of experience would i need to be a group leader in order to give me the best chance of getting a place?
Will there be training for a group leader position?

Many thanks

Reply 6
yes :biggrin:
everything you newed to know will be given in the 10 day train course and 2 weeks shadowing that you do. Any experience with kids is a bonus but your place is only offered if you pass the course getting your application accepted is only the first bit :smile:

If you prefer being more active an instructers postion might be better suited for you.
Hope this helps :smile:
Reply 7

I would prefer either position (group leader or instructor) but i have no qualifications or training to be an instructor.

What is the course and what does it entail?
Reply 8
you dont need any qualies what so ever.

The course is designed to see how you function on your own and in a group. You will do tasks which will show the trainers how enthusiastic you are how well you will cope with children how well you get on with people in general. Also you will get evening sessions in first aid dealing with bullying dealing with children who may want to disclose information to you of a sesitive nature stuff like that. If you pass you go stright to work :smile: Which centre were you thinking aboujt applying to?
I'm thinking of applying cos it seems the best way of getting a decent gap year without shelling out a small fortune :biggrin: I'm thinking of aplying to one quite close to home but still far away enough so that its different!
Reply 10
I'm thinking of applying cos it seems the best way of getting a decent gap year without shelling out a small fortune :biggrin: I'm thinking of aplying to one quite close to home but still far away enough so that its different!

there are quite a few on the south coast :smile:
The one in Dorset (Osmington Bay) :biggrin:
Reply 12
lol i have a few mates down there you should apply asap you never know :smile:
I'm in the process of doing so! :biggrin:
Reply 14
yey!! let me know how it goes who know si might meet you soon :biggrin:
Will do that
Reply 16
I'm Going to work at PGL! 2 MONTHS today, I'll start training at BP!
Reply 17
:eek: send me your pic il look out for you im a trekker there :biggrin:
Reply 18
It's me and my twin sis, both of us working there!
Reply 19
cool as instructers are you new or returners?