Okay so like I dont know what to do!
I posted about this kinda before, but things have changed.
Basically, my ex and I had just moved in together when he decided that he wanted to be with someone else. I totally thought my heart was broken etc etc and he ran off with the girl he met on the internet.
She dumped him and he's come running back.
Meanwhile, I spent ages feeling like crap because I wasnt good enough for him, but met the most amazing guy who I really really like but who moved to a different country within 2 weeks of us starting a relationship. Obviously things with him are going to be difficult.
Thing is, Im not sure I should be with other country guy - Ive still got mega feeligns for my ex, but I dont know whether to believe him.
He says he never loved her, he was just scared that we were moving too fast and that he was scared by how much he loves me and that now he's realised how important I am he wants me back, he wants marriage and kids and everything.
I just find it really hard to believe bceause if he loved me that mcuh he wouldnt have ran off with the skank. But on the other side he didnt sleep with her or anything.
Also, Othercountryguy is such a much better bet, he's financially more secure, he's going to uni, he's waay smarter and better looking, but he isnt my ex and i dont love him - but thats probably because I havent got history with him, and maybe i should give it a chance.
Ugh this is so long but I really dont know how to choose. I guess maybe if I have to choose neither of them is right? And I dont want to hurt anyone. I just want whats right for everyone and I cant see what it is!