The Student Room Group
If you're 18, male, fully comp is around £1700.
Tis a lovely car, I might get a newer one :smile:
Reply 2
I have to say I'd love one but it's waaay beyond my means. I'm sure you could get insured no it but you'd have to cough up some serious money for it.
Reply 3
£1700 for a 1.6 Hyundai Coupe? Seems a bit cheap to me, I guess it depends where you live etc.
Reply 4

The fact a 1.6 model is available says alot about it, half arsed boring yet unimaginably ugly coupe
LOL IMO the old curvy one is butt ugly, but the newer sleeker smoother shape is a nice looking car.
Reply 6
Are we talking about the new one or the old one?

The new 1.6 is in insurance group 10 is not?
