The Student Room Group

Vegetables, and not eating them.

I have quite a major problem. I always thought not eating vegetables is normal (which i still think is to some extent), but i've realised that it really isn't healthy. I have tried so many times to eat vegetables (i don't even eat potatos or tomatos).

The reason i have realised that it is a major problem is that it is affecting my health. I've been watching "You are what you eat" recently, and i think that my depression may be caused by my diet. I also often feel ill, more often than average (as in it seriously pisses of my boyfriend, and me, i don't like feeling ill).

It is a vicious cicle though: my diet causes my depression/feeling unwell, yet my depression causes me to lack motivation and determination to eat these vegetables.

I do eat fruit, but not as much as i should, i usually eat only 1-2 pieces a day. I bought a smoothie maker, but i lack motivation to go and make one. I've booked an appointment with my doctor for 2 weeks away, but i am seriously getting desperate for help now. I know this is a long shot, but does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you. :smile:
Reply 1
The only way to eat more vegetables is to eat more vegetables; if you lack the motivation, there's nothing anyone can do for you, except recommending that you perhaps try to make vegetables a little more palatable. Incorporating them into other dishes as a sauce or accompaniment or what have you. Yes, it probably is a vicious cycle, but only you can get yourself out of that cycle; talking and therapy and antidepressants and all that may help you to get a grip, but it doesn't change the fact that you have to change.
Reply 2
Erm eat vegetable, No offence but if you think eating no vegetables is normal that a bit odd, just make an attempt start with nice vege like carrots and potatoes.
That appointment is a good idea though.
Reply 3
The only way to eat more vegetables is to eat more vegetables...
well said...
I had a similar problem but it waasnt as serious as yours. When i started high school, i went through a bad period of depression and stopped eating properly as a result. I lost quite a bit of weight and when my mum told me to go 2 the doctors, i realised how serious the situation had become. The best thing to do is forget about how horrible veges' taste and just eat them reminding yourself of where you can end up if you don't (eg anaemic, in a hospital bed all alone etc) That worked for me!

Hope that helps
theres actually quite a lot of people who are interested in nutrition that turn to an essential carnivorous diet for example

presumably you eat grain products too though
Reply 6
Put them in soup, and make sure the soup is blended smooth so that you don't have the texture of vegetables which loads of people hate.
Honestly, if you get a good enough selection you can never taste the vegetables
Reply 7
Put them in soup, and make sure the soup is blended smooth so that you don't have the texture of vegetables which loads of people hate.
Honestly, if you get a good enough selection you can never taste the vegetables

That's helpful, thank you. Texture really gets to me, especially whenever i've tried brocoli.
Reply 8
So you don't like the tastes of any vegetables?

If so, I find that very hard to believe. How old are you? Do your parents, if you live at home, cook you dinner? If not, do you cook microwave meals?

Reply 9
How do you avoid potatoes? :confused:
Try drinking fruit juice to maximise your vitamin C intake so you can afford to avoid those dreaded veggies (that's what I do anyway). Make sure your fridge is stocked with orange/apple/cranberry juice with no added sugar - so much easier than trying to whip up smoothies in the morning.

What about baked potato with cheese and bacon filling? - then it's more like your eating a meal than a vegetable.

The same with salad - put chopped up cold chicken or prawns in a bowl of lettuce, pepper, cucumber.
Reply 11
Put them in soup, and make sure the soup is blended smooth so that you don't have the texture of vegetables which loads of people hate.
Honestly, if you get a good enough selection you can never taste the vegetables

You can take that a bit further, and add blended vegetables to lots of things. Like a spaghetti bolognese, or shepherd's pie or anything like that can easily have blended vegetables hidden in the mince.

Try drinking Innocent Smoothies, as once you've tasted how delicious they are you may be inspired to make your own.

And try taking vitamin tablets.
Reply 12
So you don't like the tastes of any vegetables?

If so, I find that very hard to believe. How old are you? Do your parents, if you live at home, cook you dinner? If not, do you cook microwave meals?


Taste and texture.

I'm 19, but my parent's never made me eat them as a child. My parents divorced and i live with my mum who has always been a push over. She doesn't really cook, it's not microwave meals, but similar in the oven. I'm at uni now, and i now eat pasta and rice, which i never used to. I really want to eat veg, don't get me wrong, i'd love to be able to go out to South America and eat all those different foods, same with Thailand.

My boyfriend does try to help, like if i go over to dinner at his with his parents, even though they know i don't eat (which is embarrassing), as they are very traditional, i do TRY and eat some of the veg on my plate.


Thanks for the fruit advice. I do have a smoothie maker, and i probably should use it. I have a recipe book for it, which does have a few veggie recipes. What veg tastes good as a smootie? I could try that.
Reply 13
Innocent smoothies are lovelyjubly. I advise you do eat lots of veg.. but then again if you really can't manage veg everyday, just make sure u get 1-5 portions of fruit. Portions of fruit/veg are smaller than u think. for example, two 1small banana, 1pear, 2 plums all count as 1portion.. as for veg its something like 3heaped tspoons of carrots, 2 broccoli florets, 3heaped tspoons for both peas and sweetcorn.. i could go on! O and by the way - u shouldn't actually count potato or baked beans as one of your recommended five a day. Just to make sure you are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals, try taking a multi action vitamin tablet every day... just until you get yourself on track. "You are what you eat" is great TV! keep on watching chickp!!
Reply 14
google it - i'm sure u will find lots of yummy fruit and veg smoothie ideas
Reply 15
Innocent smoothies are lovelyjubly. I advise you do eat lots of veg.. but then again if you really can't manage veg everyday, just make sure u get 1-5 portions of fruit. Portions of fruit/veg are smaller than u think. for example, two 1small banana, 1pear, 2 plums all count as 1portion.. as for veg its something like 3heaped tspoons of carrots, 2 broccoli florets, 3heaped tspoons for both peas and sweetcorn.. i could go on! O and by the way - u shouldn't actually count potato or baked beans as one of your recommended five a day. Just to make sure you are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals, try taking a multi action vitamin tablet every day... just until you get yourself on track. "You are what you eat" is great TV! keep on watching chickp!!

Thank you sweetie. :smile: Rep tomorrow.
I know i can't stand salads etc

I only really like the basic veggies..tho i'm attempting to try more now