The Student Room Group

should i risk telling him?

sorry its kinda long:redface:

ok so i got talking to a guy from college who's is on a similar course and went on a trip to paris, we didnt realy talk but when we got back we started talking when he came into my lesson and i sent him some pics to his email from paris and he added me to msn, we've been chatting loads and talking on the phone alot.

now i really like him and we were going to see a film tonight but some family came from indea and he couldnt not see them. so we were gonna meet on monday and i couldnt stop thinking about him and decided that he obviously wouldnt like me (becasue he thought he liked this girl in my class who is thin and indean and beautyfull and all that stuff but then he changed his mind) so i thought i cant see him or talk to him cos it will hurt me, and told him that i cant speak to him or meet him and he was like well you dont sound so sure so you should make sure your making the right decision.
he thought i didnt want to talk to him anymore because of what someone said about him etc, but i assured him it wasnt. Now we are both not sure about meeting on monday. he wanted me totell him what the reason was, and i said i cant and he was going on about taking chances and gambeling etc like trying to get me to tell him and saying how the bigger the bet the more you win or whatever.
so the point is should i risk our friendship by telling him i like him?

sorry but this is such a dumb thread i just wasnt sure:redface:

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YES! Tell him!

I told my best friend I LOVED him whilst drunk in the rain, under a bus-stop and then cried. It wasn't pretty.

He said he wasn't interested, was in a mood ofr a few days and now we are better friends than ever, because we know that we care for each other deeply and telling someone something like that ultimately does nothing but good!

Reply 2
Tell him, but only after monday. See how that goes, then decided whether to tell him. You will be able to tell if he likes you or not.

Good luck :yy:
I would keep your date on Monday, and if the circumstances feel right, tell him how you feel.

If it feels awkward, reassure him of your friendship.

Avoiding him will ultimately get you nowhere, and evidently make him increasingly paranoid!

Good luck !
:ditto: I agree, tell him after monday when you're 100% certain. I have mates who were best friends for 2 years, went out for 1 and a half and now are best friends again. Only good can come of it.
Reply 5
its not really a date, i think if we went out tonight it would of been a date. monday is just a hanging out kida thing, as he has no money at all so we are just gonna go to my house and watch a film or something, bare in mind my mum will be there.
Tell him. Sometimes you don't get a second chance.
Reply 7
You can't not, because you'd kill yourself for the not-knowing.
Reply 8
YES! Tell him!

I told my best friend I LOVED him whilst drunk in the rain, under a bus-stop and then cried. It wasn't pretty.

He said he wasn't interested, was in a mood ofr a few days and now we are better friends than ever, because we know that we care for each other deeply and telling someone something like that ultimately does nothing but good!


No telling someone you love them like that is just wrong all wrong! If you open up your heart to someone they'll just end up breaking it. Fact of life.
Reply 9
See how Monday goes, perhaps arrange another 'date' after that?
Reply 10
You can't not, because you'd kill yourself for the not-knowing.

i would?:eek:
No telling someone you love them like that is just wrong all wrong! If you open up your heart to someone they'll just end up breaking it. Fact of life.

That is precisely what love is about. It's about wearing your heart on your sleeve and being ready to have it broken again and again and again. Or you will never love!

Hey. My rejection really hurt. But it was worth it to know precisely how he felt about me - which was that he'd never met anyone as special as me but simply wasn't attracted to me or hadn't thought about me in that way.

Love is a strange thing. It can exist between friends and it can survive honest exchanges of emotion!

GO FOR IT! Tell him how you feel. Love and life are gambles, but we only get one shot at it and it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved...
Reply 12
Am I alone in thinking people on this thread are SO brave? :eek:

If I was her I wouldn't just tell him randomly on Monday that I liked him but instead would use this opportunity to test the water/ find out more about him. If something happens then great :cool: but the whole confessing you fancy him thing just seems a bit OTT. At least if you send subtle (or perhaps less than subtle if needs be:p: ) hints that you like him, he may feel more confident and thus ask you out/ tell you he likes you.

I admit you don't want to wait forever and miss the opportunity, but it seems like you've only known the guy for a little while and you're not risking breaking into purely platonic territory just yet:rolleyes: .

Well that's my two cents, hope it helped Chanel :biggrin:
Reply 13
thanks i'll see after monday
Yeah if he's wanting to meet you and everything, then he probably likes you. Maybe he'll tell you he likes you on ur wee date?

I told my best friend I LOVED him whilst drunk in the rain, under a bus-stop and then cried. It wasn't pretty.

Ha, I told my friend SOBER that I loved him in the rain, in a car park. I have no excuse!
Reply 15
sorry its kinda long:redface:

ok so i got talking to a guy from college who's is on a similar course and went on a trip to paris, we didnt realy talk but when we got back we started talking when he came into my lesson and i sent him some pics to his email from paris and he added me to msn, we've been chatting loads and talking on the phone alot.

now i really like him and we were going to see a film tonight but some family came from indea and he couldnt not see them. so we were gonna meet on monday and i couldnt stop thinking about him and decided that he obviously wouldnt like me (becasue he thought he liked this girl in my class who is thin and indean and beautyfull and all that stuff but then he changed his mind) so i thought i cant see him or talk to him cos it will hurt me, and told him that i cant speak to him or meet him and he was like well you dont sound so sure so you should make sure your making the right decision.
he thought i didnt want to talk to him anymore because of what someone said about him etc, but i assured him it wasnt. Now we are both not sure about meeting on monday. he wanted me totell him what the reason was, and i said i cant and he was going on about taking chances and gambeling etc like trying to get me to tell him and saying how the bigger the bet the more you win or whatever.
so the point is should i risk our friendship by telling him i like him?

sorry but this is such a dumb thread i just wasnt sure:redface:

When you tell someone you like them, it's ALWAYS bad, unless you're COMPLETELY SURE he's interested in you....(This works with both genders)

I think you should play it cool and not let him freak out
Reply 16
we're not meeting on monday anymore :frown: i dont know when really
Reply 17
um...who cares?
lol sorry, just had to be said
Reply 18
what the hell is the point of the post above????

anyway. yea, keep the date anfd if the vibe is right/he is giving you signals then tell him. or hint, and see how he reacts. take it slow so you dont lose him as a friend
No telling someone you love them like that is just wrong all wrong! If you open up your heart to someone they'll just end up breaking it. Fact of life.

WHAT A CYNIC! thats optimism for you! as the old saying goes "if you never try you'll never know"