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Reply 1
yes....why did you have to go anonymous to do that?!? :confused:
They would seem a little different because they are trying to impress you
Reply 3
Anonymous you ever find that they change completely in their behaviour towards you - tone of voice, level of eye contact, body language, etc - depending on whether you're talking about something v. general, like work or the weather, or something more personal/intimate?

Generally yes, you'll find that they act differently towards you. They might even act more harshly.

Don't ask me why. Men are weird. :p:
Reply 4
They will also try to touch you by any means, be it beating you up or slapping your bum.
Reply 5
Well that's true, even though "beating you up" or "slapping your bum" is a tad extreme! Heh.
Reply 6
You know what i mean.... lol.
Reply 7
Yeah I think your body language automatically changes whan you're around someone your attracted to. Except with weirdos like me; when I like someone I do everything I can not to act as though I do, just acting like a friend, not treating them different from other mates...

:rolleyes:and I wonder at my singledom...
I tend to hit the person I like, not in a sexual way lol but like in a playful way like push them, or when we are walking bang into them by purpose lol stuff like that.
^ btw i do this without realising i am doing just happens.
Reply 10
Thats what i was getting at ^^^^^^^^
Reply 11
oh god yeah.
a guy did that im my class to me and i dont get why cos he knew i have i boyfriend who ive been going out for over a year.
i started when i went to his house twice so he could help me with my project and since then he changed and was really flirty (which was well annoying cos it was so bad, oh god the things he said made me cringe) and he would elbow me in the side all the time when he was fliting with me and hed wink at me all the time and change his voice and to other people hed try and make it seems like were going out with eachother arghhh it annoyed me so much cos i got teased about it liek all the time when everyone knows ive got a boyfriend :mad:
it went on for so long that i got fed up of it and started being nasty to him. but over the holidays i think hes gone back to normal now but we arent as close as we used to be before he started liking me
most guys will etither bug you like mad if they fancy you or try and make you laugh a lot, although poking them in their sides when they're not paying attention is fun,lol
Reply 13
Boys never give up until they get their candy xD
Reply 14
Anonymous you ever find that they change completely in their behaviour towards you - tone of voice, level of eye contact, body language, etc - depending on whether you're talking about something v. general, like work or the weather, or something more personal/intimate?

Depends, some will some wont.
I ignore the people I like, is that weird? :confused:
Reply 16
I ignore the people I like, is that weird? :confused:

haha yes it is. its not a good thing to do that cos they might actaully like you back but if your ignoring them then they will prob think they have no chance
haha yes it is. its not a good thing to do that cos they might actaully like you back but if your ignoring them then they will prob think they have no chance

damn :P: well I have a bf anyway so it doesn't really make a difference :biggrin:
I ignore the people I like, is that weird? :confused:

Yes. Yes it is.
Reply 19
I ignore the people I like, is that weird? :confused:

I thought it was human nature to try and get at least some kind of attention from them..