I was wanting to get an STI test done at my local health clinic, and was simply wondering how I should go about it. When calling the clinic to book an appointment with a doctor, do I need to tell them it is for an STI test? Or do I just inform the doctor during my appointment? If I was to just tell the doctor during my appointment, would the test be carried out there and then, or would I be asked to come back at a later date?
I dont have any signs of anything being wrong with me, but at the end of a long term relationship, I would like to be certain that my metaphorical slate is clean and that I have absolutely nothing carried on from previous relationships. How many tests would I need done to be sure I havent got anything?
Finally, I was wondering how annonymous these tests are. Will they appear on my record? I'm over 18, but still wouldnt exactly like my parents stumbling across an STI test on my record.
I know there are quite alot of questions there, so thanks in advance for any help you guys have to offer.