The Student Room Group

Fluffy Dice/Fluffy Steering Wheel covers


Fluffy Dice etc - what do you think?

In my sixth form car park I'd say around 2/3 of the cars have fluffy dice or fluffy steering wheel covers. The most popular appears to be the pink fluffy ones or ones with logos like 'street racer'/'princess' on them. I can't stand the things - they look so tacky and do they not like bother you when your driving? Even worse are those pink princess on board stickers that people put up! Why?! What does everyone else think - vote on the poll and I'd really like to see who's guilty of having them :wink:
Reply 1

Awfully tacky and impractical
Reply 2
Agreed...and whats the current craze with Playboy merchandise with...girls!? In particular the Playboy bunny?

Reply 3
:rofl: I got neg rep for saying I don't like fluffy dice! Well.......I don't like pine tree air fresheners either so *bring it on* :biggrin:
Reply 4
Sad. Both the dice and the neg rep'r. I hate personalised number plates and picnic table spoilers. I also hate plastic spinners hubcap/wheel covers. I hate when people yawn in their cars in traffic, and you look over at them mid-yawn and it looks like they're screaming (actually, that's just funny! :biggrin:). I hate people who put their seat so far back and reclined so low, they have to see through their steering wheel. I hate people who blast their stupid ass music as loud as they can, with all the windows down, like we want to hear their sh*t. I hate people who put 5" exhaust tips on ANYTHING. I hate this moron that drives around Ealing in his ugly old ass 3 series BMW, with a Halfords House-of-Style makeover, with a big decal of a tiger on the side, and writing on his window that says, "All Eyes On Me!"

Reply 5

Good rant, you ever seen
LOL I have black furry dice but they are on the back side window, not in the windscreen. They add a whole 10BHP don't you know! :laugh:

I did see a car that made me laugh this morning though. Quite an old flame red Corsa. Looked nice and clean and tidy, no mods, completely original. Except for the fluffy fresian cow-print interior - steering wheel, front and back seats. :laugh: Didn't surprise me when a girl got in it.
Reply 7
Agreed...and whats the current craze with Playboy merchandise with...girls!? In particular the Playboy bunny?


Only 14 year old scallies wear playboy, i wouldnt be caught dead wearing playboy!
Reply 8
when i first bought my car (bearing in mind i was just 17 at the time!) i wanted fluffy dice but my parents told me my driving was bad enough without the distraction of dice in my front of my windscreen! so i wasnt ever allowed them... :biggrin:
i hate fluffy dice/steering wheel covers princess on board stickers! the only thing i have in my car is a pink blanket on the back seat, but thats cuz he heater doesnt work.
my boss(late 30s and enormous) has all the above things in pink and she looks ridiculous driving around.
Reply 10
They are so awful. They distract drivers and have no purpose.
Reply 11
Ive got fluffy dice which i love...theyre so funny...for some reason though i hate fluffy steering wheels and think it looks really stupid when people modify cars for aesthetica purposes rather than for improving the engine or something
LOL I have black furry dice but they are on the back side window, not in the windscreen. They add a whole 10BHP don't you know! :laugh:

I did see a car that made me laugh this morning though. Quite an old flame red Corsa. Looked nice and clean and tidy, no mods, completely original. Except for the fluffy fresian cow-print interior - steering wheel, front and back seats. :laugh: Didn't surprise me when a girl got in it.

A guy, yes a guy... who i went to school with drove one of those Seat crap mobiles (the really old small one, looks like a miniturised 4 x 4), and he invested in cow print fluffy seat covers... He also had stickers of worms and snakes on the side of the vehicle and a Smurfs CD inside. :redface:
Reply 13
oh. my. gosh....