The Student Room Group

Accomodation (Maple Bank, Spinney, Tennis Courts)

Basically having read stuff in the pack and on the websites I've come up with these 3 as what I wouldn't mind going into. A fair bit of the decision was on price as they are among the cheaper options. I really don't like the fact that you don't get a choice to say where you want to go like top 3 on accom form, I really don't want them to match me up to a 4.5k self catered place because it would kill me financially. From most of the other people I know at uni, the cheap birmingham options would be expensive where they are!

I was wondering when you go to the accom viewing day is there any way to secure your place that you like? Any additional stuff that you might fill in there which helps out if you like.

Also if anyone could post some pics of any of those 3 it would be cool.

And finally, are all these places flats of mixed sex, cos I'd much rather be in a flat with say 3 girls 3 guys, than all guys.

Lastly, sorry, has anyone ever heard of people not getting like the basic choice they wanted from their form, ie they wanted self catering and ended up with a catered option or meal plan one.

Cheers people.
Reply 1
i know someone who was put in douper hall who couldn't afford it (or something like that)- she got moved with no problems to elgar court during freshers week. she missed out on freshers week events and stuff but was better off in the long term.

atm, flats are single sex but in tennis courts at least the blocks of flats are mixed.

do you want self catering or meal plan btw? i'm in tennis courts, but in one of the meal plan blocks. but i did want to go catered though.
Reply 2
Tennis courts, some photos here. I was in a 6-person flat so the kitchen was comparatively bigger...

Lastly, sorry, has anyone ever heard of people not getting like the basic choice they wanted from their form, ie they wanted self catering and ended up with a catered option or meal plan one.

Cheers people.

yeh, i know someone that wanted self and ended up with catered... she was ok about it though, but if you're not you can always apply for transfer, so it's not too much to worry about...
Reply 4
So is there nowhere in Birmingham where its like 3 guys, 3 gals in a flat?
Reply 5
So is there nowhere in Birmingham where its like 3 guys, 3 gals in a flat?

Brum Uni's policy for the past god knows how many years has been single sex flats. There's a possibility it's changing this year but it is all rumor and hearsay...
Reply 6
Alright schuey, (un)fortunately Birmingham have a single sex flat policy. The reason? Who knows! Anyway there is only guys on the bottom floors of the flats. Also why have you put these three, its not like you get a choice, do you? After all - who would choose Mason or Chamberlain.
Reply 7
actually, in the spinney during the second year, there is a chance to have a mixed flat, but other than that its all single sex. That said, its all very close, in the spinney the flats are next to each other so you can spend time in each others
Reply 8
oh, and if you ask for a specific site (on the additional info bit) then tend to give it to you if they can
Reply 9
I like the tennis courtsand maple bank too! They look fun and are cheaper but stil alrite.I found all the accom. at brum was in the same layout everywhere jstdiffsites and buildings.
tennnnnnis courrrrrts :smile:
Saying that, there is a "would you mind being in a mixed sex flat?" option on the accommodation form this year. Or am i being stupid and that's the same every year? :rolleyes: xxxx
Reply 12
yeha im not sure about that 1 either!
Quote: "Do you want accomodation in a mixed sex flat"
Whats all that about? Mixed flats? Yes please!
No one I know is sure about this. They are either introducing mixed sex flats, or they are just using it to gauge opinion on what the students want. It's not very clear-cut...
Saying that, there is a "would you mind being in a mixed sex flat?" option on the accommodation form this year. Or am i being stupid and that's the same every year? :rolleyes: xxxx

it was on last years as well, but as far as i kow there were no mixed sex flats this year!
there are! But i think maybe only one per site, to see how it goes. I know the second years are givin the option to have one, at least at the spinney they are. Its a 9ppl house and is mixed
Reply 16
my friend wanted catered but ended up at queens hospital close but she said it was all good as she had the train station for uni and was closer to the centre and that. She was doing dentistry as well so ithink it was closer for that to.
Spinney is dead - thats a lot of international students as well, everyone i know from spinney (which is about 10 freshers only) spends a lot of their time in Ashcroft - where the atmosphere is the best by far. I have walked round the whole of the vale in the early hours of the morningand i must say its only in ashroft where you see people coming back drunk during this time every single night
Spinney is dead - thats a lot of international students as well, everyone i know from spinney (which is about 10 freshers only) spends a lot of their time in Ashcroft - where the atmosphere is the best by far. I have walked round the whole of the vale in the early hours of the morningand i must say its only in ashroft where you see people coming back drunk during this time every single night

yey! someone agrees with me! i felt soooo isolated in the spinney... it wasn't much fun at all in my opinion!