The Student Room Group

Problem...taking this guy for granted

I really think that I have some kind of problem with guys/relationships. In the past I've always started to like guys but then tend to push them away when they like me and start to give me lots of attention etc. Anyway I decided to go out with this guy I like just like 4 days ago last week and I felt like I was falling in :suith: as foreign as that is to me...I'm not really one to fall for someone quickly at all. I slept over at his place on the 2nd day we're going out..we just made out n slept in the same bed n I was completely ok with it. Now I feel like I'm a bit claustrophobic and need space n don't like how he treats me so well. I'd prefer to see him hanging out with all his friends doing stuff that doesn't involve me. It's really frustrating but it's like I just want things that I don't have and when it's in front of my face, I don't want it. I'm soo damn confused and annoyed at myself for feeling like this. I know it's mean to take someone for granted esp when they are so sweet but I can't help feeling this way...any advice anyone? Thanks.
Reply 1
I personally have done exactly what you describe this guy as doing.. Just last week I met an amazing girl and within 5 days we had a discussion about kids and were using "I love you" as normal... and I felt it was getting too serious too quickly, but I guess thats hard to explain, am going to give her a few days space personally and see how it goes.. Perhaps you and your new lover should try the same? after all "abscence makes the heat grow fonder"... + it'll foce the guy into being a challenge, which is always attractive.

Good luck!
been there done that, went to china for a month :wink: after that we had a long chat and i told him all about my past etc and everything is fine. now we spend pretty much all our time together and i love it. (tho im glad hes at work atm so i get a little bit of breathing space)