Then there's Freud who says everything can be blamed on our parents and the first four years of our lives.
Are gay people aware of their attraction to same sex from a very young age, or does it just happen progressively over time?
Are some just able to put these thoughts out of their minds, choosing to ignore their attraction to same sex (or children, for that matter)?
Does indulging these thoughts make it worse, ie: make one become concious of the fact that they are attracted to same sex?
On some level I believe we are all susseptable to homosexual thoughts, even paedophillic thoughts, but we do have the choice to ignore such feelings?
I realise this is a seemingly narrow minded belief, and one that appears related to the opinion of the religious... But I am neithet narrow minded nor religious.
I speak from experience.
I think the things that make us who we are, how we behave, and what we are sexually attracted to, are far more complex than we may ever fully comprehend.